Over the summer, 14 students traveled to Russia as part of aninternational study tour for an unforgettable glimpse into the country’s history,culture and nature.
Professor Michelle DenBeste, chair of the history department, led the trip as thegroup visited numerous historical sites and landmarks. However, for DenBeste, it’s afamiliar trip into the foreign land.
“When I first made the trip in 1990, communism was falling apart, but by the next yearthings were a mess with the change in government,” DenBeste said. “Now I usuallygo once every couple years and things get consistently better. The streets areprettier. The economy is better, which is why I could finally start bringing students.”
However, with recent developments in Ukraine, the planning and organization of thetrip was problematic.
“It was mayhem,” DenBeste said. “Three people ended updropping out of the trip. I had to call friends in Russia to see if everything was fine.And everything was fine. We had no problems.”
The transition from the U.S. to Russia was difficult, yet exciting for thestudents. Senior James Hernandez, a history major, said he wastentative at first, but eventually loved his time there.
“It was a bit of a culture shock for most of us. It took a while getting used to,” Hernandezsaid. “But I ended up loving the place.”
Upon arriving, one aspect of the trip DenBeste noted was Russia’s “overwhelminglybeautiful” infrastructure and terrain.
“We had a run-on joke with all of us saying, ‘Oh look, more gold,’ becauseeverything was covered in gold,” DenBeste said.
While initially being greeted at times by anti-American sentiment from citizens inbars or the metro, the students still had a chance to interact and befriend many ofthe country’s people.
“I got a chance to spend time with two women at Kirov Park and just being awayfrom the city and just being around local people, they were so nice,” Hernandez said. “I was really taken aback. I didn’t want to leave at that point. Every time you turnaround, it’s something new. It was mind-blowing.”
“One thing I’ve learned about Russians, even if they say they hate Americansmaybe on a global scale, when you’re right there in front of them, it’s not the same. Theytreat you like a person,” DenBeste said.
“It’s the random cultural encounters they’ll remember most,” she said.