Hypnotist and comedian David Hall entertained students on Thursday night
By Matthew Jimenez

Hypnotist David Hall speaks to the audience and the participants on stage for his next act on Thursday night for a show organized by USU Productions.
Most people question the validity of hypnotism, and on Thursday night at the Satellite Student Union, Fresno State students had the opportunity to experience the phenomenon for themselves as hypnotist David Hall mesmerized willing participants.
Many audience members seemed skeptical at first, but as the hilarity ensued people found themselves laughing and enjoying the act. One highlight of the night was when Hall told participants to picture everyone in the audience naked.
One man in particular pointed out USU Coordinator Deisy Lemus, who organized the event.
He inadvertently put Lemus on the spot and called her beautiful. Lemus did not expect to be part of the show she organized.
“I felt flattered and famous because I never got that attention before,” Lemus said. “I was really excited, and I actually wanted him to meet me because he thought I was famous.”
As for the event as a whole, Lemus said she enjoyed seeing the audience’s enthusiastic and positive response to the show as friends and fellow students did as Hall told them.
“This act was absolutely amazing,” Lemus said. “I saw that the crowd loved it, and the outcome was amazing.
“We would like to bring him back for one of his other acts,” Lemus said. “He is also a comedian and a magician.”
In one part of the performance, one of the men on stage was told he was Beyoncé. He acted the part and stood up in an over-the-top manner as he danced to “Single Ladies” while three other males performed as “Beyoncé” back-up dancers.
Another male was told he was a shark expert and wrestled a blow-up shark to the ground. Hall reached for his hand and as he touched the man, the man immediately fell flat on the floor. When Hall woke him, he picked the shark up, holding it by its fins and danced with it as he gave it a gentle kiss.
One of the women was angry at Hall after he convinced the participants that they were all 5-years old and received two puppies for their fifth birthday. She made upset faces behind his back for giving her a pooping puppy.
Earlier in the show, the same female ran down to the audience and believed one of the men was Adam Levine, the lead singer of Maroon 5, and sat next to him. Hall lost track of her, but everyone in the audience pointed her out.
Hall said when it comes to performing, he enjoys connecting with the audience. He enjoys making the audience laugh and smile by giving them a positive experience and a fun time.
“The audience was great, and the participants were great,” Hall said. “After the show, I talked to everyone and it was really nice. Overall it was a pretty good and successful show.”
Hall said that one of the highlights of the night for him was watching one person dance at the end of the show to “Gangnam Style.”
Hall has performed at a variety of venues. He enjoys performing at college campuses because students are excited for the show. College students bring a youthful, fun energy and provide a really good turnout, he said.
“Hypnosis is a gateway to your subconscious,” Hall said. It’s a natural state of mind that people can achieve, and I kind of facilitate it.
“They hypnotize themselves,” he said, “and I help them get there.”