Roe Borunda / The Collegian
Movember is a time to learn the dangers of prostate and testicular cancer by growing a moustache.
Funds raised by Movember are handed over to affiliate organizations who develop new methods of research. Affiliate partners are the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG Foundation. All three unite to help spread the word.
Jonathan Duncan, president of Movember and a Fresno State Student, along with his committee are spreading awareness about men’s health.
“If you want to grow a moustache, you can grow a moustache. But if you want to be a little bit more ambitious, let your imagination be the limit,” Duncan said. “Whatever you can dream of, Movember would be more than happy to help you accomplish that.”
Before starting, go online to www.movember.com to register. All men, known as Mo Bros, are asked to start Thursday, Nov. 1, clean shaved. For 30 days they will show support for men’s health and seek sponsorships for their Mo-growing efforts.
Movember also has female participants known as Mo Sistas. Ladies are asked to support the Mo Bros as the men grow their moustache out.
At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their gallantry and valor by either throwing their own Movember party or attending one of the Gala Parties held around the world by Movember, for Movember.
The Student Health Center offers routine lab tests at no charge.
Fresno State pharmacist Mark Facchini said testicular cancer is the most frequently occurring cancer in young men. He said the key is to be aware of these cancers and see a physician if you’re having problems.
“It is most common between the ages of 15 to 35 — the ages most common on college campuses,” Facchini said. “Cure rates now approach 85 percent overall, with better than 95 percent for localized disease and 80 percent for metastatic disease.”
Facchini defined metastatic disease as the body passes a cancerous cell from an original site to one or multiple other sites elsewhere in the body, spread by the blood vessels or lymphatics.
The older we become, the higher the risk of prostate cancer grows, Facchini said. Diagnosed cases show all deaths occur in men age 70 and older.
“Seventeen percent of men born today will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point during their lifetime, and current survival rates are directly proportional to how far the disease has progressed at the time of diagnosis,” Facchini said. “There is no reason not to see a physician if you’re having medical problems and attending Fresno State. You pay a Health Center fee, use it! Movember is a great way to spread the news, improve your health and have a little fun while doing it.”
Stop by the Movember booth to talk with Duncan and participate in your health and have some fun while doing so.
Duncan said the community has been supportive in Mo parties in the past. In 2011, 10 events were held at different locations. Swiggs Restaurant Bar and Grill, Eureka Gourmet Burgers & Craft Beer, Sequoia Brewing Company, T.G.I. Friday’s and Yosemite Ranch were restaurants where Mo Parties were held. Last year’s participants helped raise a total of $2,500.00 in donations.
Duncan wanted to say thank you to Wahoo’s Fish Taco, Cold Stone Creamery, Antonio’s Mexican Restaurant and other participating businesses for their help in raising awareness. This year’s restaurants include Buffalo Wild Wings and Swiggs Restaurant Bar and Grill. They’re working together on a discounted item for the month in celebration of Movember.
Besides the restaurants, Duncan went to the Fresno City Council and asked if they could rename the city to FresMO, but it declined his appraisal and said it would participate in another way.
As a campus, Duncan would like to see Fresno State male athletes grow a mustache in support of the Movember.
Duncan said, this November, we’re supporting Movember and these little moustaches give us a little more courage, badges of honor and we’re not just playing for Fresno State but we’re playing for Movember.
Fresno State would be joining professional sports in the effort to raise awareness. A few professional participants from the past were European golf, cricket and tennis players.
If you would like to get involved, stop by the booth on campus at the Free Speech Area and speak with Duncan. Sign yourself up at www.movember.com, like the club on Facebook, and follow it on Twitter @movember or Instagram @fresnostatemo.