There is expected to be fewer Fresno State students roaming campus
a year from now as a spring admissions freeze was ordered by the
CSU system.
Mike Howells / Collegian File Photo
Possibility of wait-listing applicants for fall 2013 semester as well
In the midst of potential budget cuts and more tuition hikes, prospective students took a significant hit by the CSU system: an admissions freeze.
Spring 2013 applications have already been frozen not only for Fresno State hopefuls, but at 14 other CSUs as well.
Dr. Paul Oliaro, the vice president of student affairs, said that there is a possibility that cutting enrollment beyond spring 2013 might have to happen as well.
“We’re certainly disappointed that we’re not going to be able to serve all the students who we want to serve and who want to come to Fresno State in the future,” Oliaro said.
If Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax initiative proposal to fix the education isn’t approved in November, $200 million will be cut from the state mid-year. Brown’s proposal calls for an increase in sales tax and taxes on the wealthy in order to raise $9 billion to help the education system.
Oliaro said the state of the CSU system would suffer if this initiative is not passed in the election.
“If that trigger of $200 million affects the CSU, that is for the foreseeable future ”” that doesn’t go away in one year, that’s permanent,” Oliaro said. “That’s a serious impact, it has some serious consequences on the number of people who want to go to college in the state of California.”
Applicants for the fall 2013 semester will be wait-listed and won’t see if they’ve been accepted until university officials know the outcome Brown’s proposed tax plan.
“We would usually start admitting students November, December and beyond,” Oliaro said. “But right now we will have to wait-list everybody until we know exactly what’s going on.”
The Fresno Bee reported on Tuesday that Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay, Fullerton, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Bernardino and Sonoma are the eight CSUs that will dodge the spring freeze.
Oliaro said that if the $200 million trigger is pulled, prospective students will still be enrolled, just not as many.
“If you are the parents of a sophomore, junior or senior I would seriously be taking a look at the merits of the governor’s proposal,” Oliaro said.
Students currently enrolled in CSUs could also see problems if Brown’s proposal is not passed.
“It could result in students not being able to take as many credits as they would like, just because we will not have the resources to provide the classes,” Oliaro said.
President John Welty plans to address the issue further at a special meeting for faculty on Thursday at 10 a.m.
Larry • Aug 12, 2012 at 1:23 pm
When is the dead line for registration for spring 2013?