To the editor:
The Democratic Party is the party of “Yes” ”” we are the party of the middle class, we are the party of inclusiveness, we are the party of opportunity and equality for all. Democrats brought America into the 21st century while our friends across the aisle want to take our country back to the 19th century with their outdated and dangerous social, economic and world views. We have always worked for the middle class: that is the case for Democrats.
In 2008, our country experienced a trans-generational shift in politics as we changed the face of power and elected President Barack Obama. Since that historic election, the president and the Democratic Party have enacted historic reforms that have made America stronger, safer and better.
We enacted Wall Street reform and credit card reform to ensure that big corporations could no longer make off like bandits at the expense of hard working American families. Democrats stood up strong against our counterparts by enacting major investments in our economy which saved our auto industry and our country from a complete financial meltdown.
We enacted the most historic healthcare reform policy that our country has seen in over fifty years with the “Affordable Care Act.” No longer can people be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, 2.6 million young people can continue on their parents’ insurance policies and everyone in America can now have access to what we have always believed is a right: quality, affordable healthcare.
Democrats enacted the “Lilly Ledbetter Act” to ensure that women are no longer treated as second-class citizens at their workplace and we consistently stand up for the reproductive rights of women. We are champions on immigration, supporting the “DREAM Act” and calling for comprehensive immigration reform. Democrats have also struck down “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military and we are fighting to repeal the “Defense of Marriage Act” because we believe in equality for all Americans and we understand that an inclusive society will only strengthen our country.
The Democratic Party has worked diligently to improve the lives of all Americans and we have long stood as the champion for those who are fighting to build a better future for themselves and their families. As the 2012 presidential election shapes up, Democrats are working to secure a second term for President Barack Obama as well as making Democratic gains on all levels of government. I urge any and all students who are interested in moving America forward to get involved with College Democrats ”” as I mentioned, we are the party of “Yes” and all are welcome!
Gilbert Felix
President, Fresno State College Democrats
To the editor:
This past weekend, February 24-26, 11 members of Fresno State College Republicans attended the California Republican Party Convention in Burlingame, Calif. They were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet some our nation’s most notable Republican politicians and icons, such as presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus, former presidential candidate Herman Cain and former syndicated radio host Michael Reagan.
Fresno State College Republicans continues to offer campus Republicans the opportunities to network within the Republican Party, obtain internship positions and jobs and the chance to socialize with like-minded individuals on campus and in the community.
Fresno State College Republicans invites those who are right leaning and fiscally conservative to join our organization. Keep your eyes open for our flyers on campus or come visit us at our booth, located in the Free Speech area, for more information on how to join and get involved with “The Best Party on Campus.”
Matthew Martinez
Vice-Chairman, Fresno State College Republicans