April Fool’s joke not so funny
I am writing in response to your piece on the women’s lacrosse team that was featured in your April 1, 2011, issue.
I am sure I am not the first to express my distaste, however I feel it necessary to share my disappointment and disgust with you.
Ben Ingersoll should be ashamed that he put his name on something he probably believes to be “journalism.” THAT is the joke. How easy it must be to sit behind a computer and slanderously assault a group of undeserving women.
I’m sure you’re more versed than I on the legal ramifications of falsely quoting people, but I suppose since it’s all in “good fun” it doesn’t concern you anyway.
I have one final question for you: Will Ben be submitting that gem of an article in his portfolio when moving on to bigger and better things? Perhaps the women’s lacrosse team can make a guest appearance in your April 1, 2012, issue, highlighting Mr. Ingersoll’s great success at The New York Times, complete with pictures of his posh NYC penthouse. I think that would be hilarious.
”” Bree Nasti
Kinesiology major
Bicycle repair station is overrated
I know this may fall a bit on the late side but I simply cannot keep quiet anymore about it. What I am referring to are the new bicycle repair stations that were installed around campus early this spring semester. First of all, I cannot begin to imagine how much the school was ridiculously overpriced for the poorly designed stations. Every time I try to make some kind of repair of any sort on the stand, I either end up hitting my head on the extremely short stand or simply cannot get the air pump to work. I feel that the school should have had actual bicyclists overlook these stations before they were purchased and installed. I know there are many other cyclists on campus that feel the very same way about these things, the ones who use them at least. Hooray to our tuition money being put to work, not.
”” Johnatan Castaneda
Mechanical Engineering
Squirrel Week shadows Autism Awareness
I think it’s a shame that I can find dozens of tweets about Squirrel Week on the @Fresno_State Twitter feed, but nothing about Autism Awareness Month. There are dozens of children with Autism putting in a full work week of therapy at the Central California Autism Center in the Kremen Ed building. I’ve dropped hints at the Twitter people that I think Autism should get even a little attention from them and all I get is “That’s GREAT!” responses.
Squirrel Week will be over in a few days. Can we see something about Autism then? Perhaps in The Collegian? I searched it on your website and the most recent links were from 2008.
I’m a full-time student and haven’t attended a single day of class without my 4-year-old son with Autism in tow.
I feel kids with Autism and the therapists at the CCAC deserve more praise than squirrels. As of now, they’ve received none from Fresno State and I think that’s extremely unfortunate.
”” Chris Raley
Special Ed Credential Program
Cut ASI, save classes
What is Associated Students Inc.? Nobody knows or cares. How much money do these students have control over? If we want to cut spending and increase class availability why not remove it altogether? Is this a game for political science majors that looks good on a resume? I say let the readers know objectively. Nobody cares about stupid bike repair stations or the red bike program. Why is it the university’s responsibility to provide us with unnecessary amenities? Buy a bike off Craigslist like I did.
”” Rob