University Student Union responds
As part of the Board of Directors, I wanted to write to you in regards to the January 31st, 2011 “One-Finger Salute” that gave a thumbs down to the University Student Union. As much as the University Student Union loves input from students who utilize the services of the USU, I wanted to inform you that the University Student Union does not oversee Food Services. The University Student Union merely houses the different franchises. This letter is not to be taken as negatively, but rather an informative one that helps us to better improve our Union and to better inform students around campus.
As a USU Board member, I am attending the Food Services Advisory Committee meetings and plan to bring this issue to their attention for the next meeting and better serve our college community. If you want more information about Food Services, feel free to contact Lauren Chalmers with questions regarding this matter at 278-0915 or If you would like to attend the meetings, our next scheduled meeting is March 9, 2011.
””Cher Vue
USU Board of Directors
Ineffective ASI elections campaign
I was shocked when I saw how many people (or lack thereof) are candidates for the upcoming ASI elections. While there are three candidates, including myself, running for president, there are only 11 individuals running for senate at large to fill nine spots, half the college senate seats have no candidates running and the college senate seats that do have a candidate running are all unopposed races. One might think this is a problem with student participation, but I do not think that is the case. Over the past day of campaigning, many students have acknowledged their disappointment that they were unaware that petitions needed to be turned in already.
The fact is, the current ASI members did not do a good job to advertise the elections and because of that, many students again feel isolated from ASI. The only reason I knew, is that I happened to think about it over Christmas Break. How can this be used as an example of a democratic system of micro-government? Students do not have time to stop and look at a small yard sign or read the small print on the televisions in the food court. At the very least, an e-mail could have gone out to all students giving each student the opportunity to run for ASI. Students pay $116 to ASI, they deserve the right to the opportunity to influence how that money is spent.
””Daniel J. Harrison
Candidate for ASI President
Anonymous • Feb 28, 2011 at 9:58 am
ASI receives $14 per student of the $34.50
The Collegian receives $5.50
Athletics receives $8
Financial Aid (Scholarships Services & Grants) receives $7
Anonymous • Feb 26, 2011 at 1:19 am
There were plenty of signs posted around campus for along time about where to get applications for ASI. and to correct you as stated in a previous edition of the collegian. 34 dollars is paid in student fees, not the 116 you quoted.
Anonymous • Feb 25, 2011 at 11:58 pm
In response to Daniel… students should have walked past tons of signs advertising ASI campaigns, at least I have personally and I am not even on campus that often. Look back at how many students have voted in past elections, the general jist is, students really don’t care too much, its unfortunate but it is what it is. Going back to a November 15th article of the collegian it quotes
“All students are charged student body fee of $34.50 every semester”
“Cesar Sanchez, vice president of finance, said that ASI does not get the full $34.50 per student. According to Sanchez, he was told that ASI only receives $14 per student. He is unaware of what happens to the remaining money.”