Nice crossword Wednesday
Not really. Sorry for the passive aggressiveness, but I can’t imagine copying and pasting being so difficult.
”” Christian Lopez
I was looking through the Wednesday Jan. 19, 2011, issue of The Collegian. The article “Pedro in the news,” caught my eye, as always. I was surprised at the end when I found the link to “”
I went to check the site out and became infuriated to what the content displayed. Everybody seems to be throwing stones at poor Pedro when it seems to me that we have another problem in our hands.
Neil O’ Brien, I believe that this man is false and has been delivering a wrong message, RACISM. His page practically screams it!!! This guy is a joke and needs to be investigated.
”” Reyna Cazares
Drinking and driving game
For the first time the social advergame “What Russian doesn’t like to drive fast?” has been created in Russia.
The aim of this game is to attract public attention to the problem of drunken driving.
This game is created by the group of students from Kirov town, Russia, on the base of social program that helps young people who suffered in accidents.
We are writing you with suggestion to take part in lives of those young people and to give information support to the program with any possible ways. Also we ask you to share this information with your friends through social networks.
For more information visit or e-mail
”” Diana Tsipileva