Associated Students, Inc. has developed an informational outlet for students who are interested in participating in student government.
ASI will offer an elections workshop for students to learn more about running for student government. This optional workshop is intended for those interested in campaigning for student office to ask questions about the candidacy and election process.
This will be the first semester that ASI is offering the workshop. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 6 to 7 p.m. in USU 309. Officials anticipate a large turnout of students. Nineteen positions are open, including two executive officer positions, eight college senator positions and nine senator-at-large positions.
“Some students aren’t fully aware of the process they must go through to be considered a candidate for election,” Lauren Smoot, ASI senator-at-large of undergraduate and graduate academics affairs, said. “This workshop offers an overview of the steps and channels that would prove the most beneficial to their success.”
Completing the ASI petition is the first step in running for an ASI elected position. Petitions for ASI senator and executive positions are available for pick up at the Student Involvement Office, USU 306.
Once the petition is picked up, it’s the potential candidate’s responsibility to attain the appropriate number of student signatures: petitions for positions of president and vice president of finance require 50 student signatures while petitions for senator requires only 25.
“Being involved in student government provides a most excellent learning experience in both politics and business management,” ASI Executive Vice President Selena Farnesi said. “It’s the most direct way to make an impact on campus, as a student.”
ASI provides programs and services to meet the needs of the students and the campus community. Students involved with ASI work closely with campus faculty and officials at Fresno State.
“You’ll gain a stronger awareness of your ability to make change on campus,” Farnesi said. “Students don’t usually have this opportunity.”
ASI senators-at-large are representatives of specific areas on campus and work with officials to respect the requests of students. Areas of campus that are represented include parking, student affairs, student clubs and organizations, legislative affairs and athletics.
ASI provides a means for student participation in the governance of the University. ASI senate meetings are held every other Wednesday at 4 p.m., in USU 312-314, and are open to the public.
Marina Aguilara, a senior majoring in public health, regularly attends these meetings, wanting to stay informed of the decisions that are being made.
“I think ASI is a very important body of people and students should be more interested,” Aguilara said. “How else can we expect change, unless we ourselves get involved?”
The filing period for ASI petition ends Friday, Feb. 18 by 5 p.m. Completed petitions should be turned into the ASI office, USU 317. Online elections will take place from Tuesday, March 22 through Thursday, March 24.