Despite tough economic times, Associated Students, Inc. has more than $35,000 available in its budget to fund activities of student-run clubs and organizations.
As of Feb. 7, ASI allocated $43,625.85 to student-run clubs and organizations at Fresno State, leaving $36,374.15 in its budget. For the 2010-11 school year, ASI has funded 56 on-campus events that were hosted by student organizations and clubs.
Students might assume that due to constant budget cuts and a national economy that is in a recession, ASI would be suffering from low funds as well. The ASI budget for complementary financial support to student clubs and organizations, however, has increased since the 2009-10 school year.
For three of the past four years, ASI has spent more than was in its budget. In 2007-08, ASI spent $91,412 on club funding, with a budget of $85,000. The following year, 2008-09, ASI had a budget of $80,000 but allotted $141,771 to student organizational activities. Last year, however, ASI spent $48,940 with a budget of $57,739.
While the budget for club financial support is still lower than in 2007, this year’s budget increased to $80,000, as a higher enrollment rate was anticipated.
“There’s a positive correlation between student enrollment and funding,” ASI Office Manager Cynthia Dolan said. “Since we expected a higher enrollment rate for [spring], a budget increase was proposed and approved.”
According to the ASI office, students were coming in during the week, assuming that there were no opportunities left to apply for funding.
In order for an organization to be eligible for ASI funding, it must first be recognized by Fresno State as an official student club. The organization must then submit a signature agreement to ASI, providing up-to-date records of club officers. Once the organization is officially recognized and accepted by the university, the club must submit a completed funding application to the ASI office.
Student clubs can request up to $2,000 in funding from ASI for one academic year. Applications requesting more than $1,000 must be submitted five weeks prior to the event date, or three weeks prior if the amount is less than $1,000. Approval of funds is at the discretion of the ASI Finance Committee.
Organizations and clubs are required to submit receipts and invoices for all money spent putting on the event. If these documents are submitted to ASI within 45 days after the event, the expenses will not be covered and funds will not be granted.
Clubs and organizations are able to use the money they receive from ASI, if it fits into five criteria: performance fees, facility charges, promotion and publicity, supplies needed for the event, and another category that primarily pertains to registration fees for sports clubs.
“We want to enhance campus culture and provide students the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities,” ASI Vice President of Finance Cesar Sanchez said. “Without ASI funding, many of the clubs on campus wouldn’t be able to hold events.”
Most student organizations are dependent on ASI funding. While funds can be brought in through student dues and club fundraising, ASI funding can play a large factor in the overall financial success of the organization.
ASI allocated more than $1,900 this year to the Fresno State Poetry Jam Club. The funding allowed the club to put on their monthly Poetry Jam session that brought together students, poets, performing artists and musicians to present and express themselves.
“The funding we receive is really for the students,” Marie Davis, president of Poetry Jam Club, said. “We use the money from ASI to pay for our venue, which becomes an area to allow like-minded students to network and connect.”
Initially, ASI funding covered the entire cost of renting the venue for the Poetry Jam Club, but due to budget cuts, the club now pays for the venue for each hour it is used.
Davis believes, however, that the Poetry Jam Club wouldn’t have nearly as much success, if it wasn’t for the money ASI has provided.
“Without assistance from ASI, we wouldn’t be able to provide students with such an amazing social outlet,” Davis said.
Any student club or organization seeking additional information and the forms needed to apply for funding, is encouraged to call ASI at (559) 278-2656 or visit the website at