Fresno State’s Mediator Mentors program received international exposure as a Pepsi Refresh “good idea” that needs a financial boost. Mediator Mentors is a programwhich places university students at local schools to teach children peaceful conflict resolution.
The Mediator Mentors program serves 60 elementary and middle schools in the Fresno, Clovis, Central, Sanger and Chowchilla Unified districts, offering specially trained Fresno State students as mentors to youngsters at the schools who help resolve disagreements on their campus.
There’s enough funding to support only 30 mentors each semester with stipends.
Each month 1,000 ideas are accepted from individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations in need of funding for health, arts and culture, food and shelter, the planet, neighborhoods and education projects. The ideas are posted
Internet users are invited to vote for up to 10 ideas per day during the month to determine who will be eligible for grants of $5,000 to $250,000.
For more information, contact Lane-Garon or visit