Legalizes marijuana under California but not federal law. Permits local governments to regulate and tax commercial production, distribution, and sale of marijuana.
Fiscal Impact:
Depending on federal, state, and local government actions, potential increased tax and fee revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually and potential correctional savings of several tens of millions of dollars annually.
A YES vote on this measure means:
Individuals age 21 or older could, under state law, possess, cultivate and transport limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. In addition, the state and local governments could authorize, regulate, and tax commercial marijuana-related activitites under certain conditions. These activities would remain illegal under federal law.
A NO vote on this measure means:
The possession, cultivation and transportation of marijuana for personal use and commercial marijuana-related activities would remain illegal under state law, unless allowed under the state’s existing medical marijuana law.
Official voter information guide courtesy of the Secretary of State web site.
To find out how and where to vote call (800) 345-VOTE or
K2 • Nov 2, 2010 at 12:59 pm
Vote yes. It is ridiculous the amount of time and money that is being wasted on chasing down and incarcerating people over marijuana.
Joncspeek • Oct 20, 2010 at 7:33 pm
Vote yes! Nobody needs to go to jail for weed.
No On 19 • Oct 20, 2010 at 2:48 am
Prop 19 is unfair to all/ it can do no good for Medical Marijuana, It will regulate and all countie’s in the state will have control over the safe access to medical marijauna user’s …
We the people need to be aware of this prop 19 and for what it can do to the state’s law and may bring in the fed’s and that will only hurt the people in this state of california.. more tax payer money going down the drain….