Let’s face it. Gays are the new blondes; they just have more fun.
GBF stands for Gay Best Friend, something that no woman should live without.
If you go to any local gay club there is a swarm of “straight” women dancing like there is no tomorrow. They love the energy and carefree atmosphere that gays have. They feel comfortable with who they are while they are around gay men.
In 2009, a study conducted by psychologists at Mount Saint Vincent University in Nova Scotia, Canada, shows that women who associate with gay men have better self-esteem than those who do not.
This study supports why so many heterosexual women tend to enjoy having gay male friends and keep going to gay clubs, even though they risk not getting a free drink.
Women love to hear that I am gay. Every woman seems to want a gay friend for themselves and they jump for joy when they find one. They automatically want to take their gay friend to the mall, have their gay friend dress them up like a little doll and flatter them with compliments.
When I finally came out of the closet two years ago one of my sister’s friends said, “I am so jealous that you have a gay brother. I wish mine was gay.”
I am not the only gay man who has experience with a women’s constant hunger to find a gay friend. Many of my other gay friends have a woman that they call their “girlfriend” who they help when she is having relationship problems or just needs a pick-me-up.
This past summer I was spending so much time with one of my girl friends that many of my Facebook friends thought I was dating her. My friend loved it. She loved how she didn’t need to have a real boyfriend for her to feel special, because I was giving her the attention that a boyfriend would have.
That is one of the major reasons why every woman should have a GBF. Gay men tend to verbalize what they think more often than straight men. Therefore, they will give a woman a compliment more often than a straight man would.
“O” Magazine published “11 Ways to Feel Beautiful,” by Jenny Bailly, who recommends women to add some gay men to their circle of friends. “Spend time around people who are confident in their bodies, and you’ll find yourself following suit,” Nancy Etcoff told “O.”
Gay men are probably one of the most confident groups of people in today’s society, which women love.
Women, go out there and find yourself a nice confident gay man who can make you feel as good as he feels. But sorry girls! I am already taken.
Andrew • Sep 11, 2010 at 8:54 am
It’s like you’re advertising for a product the way you talk about the GBF that every woman wants. These people/products are kept around only for the personal enjoyment of the women, to “dress them up like a little doll and flatter them”…oh yeah, and to increase self-esteem issues. And the GBF’s are okay with the one-sided relationship presented here?
Sorry, but this is stereotypical and demeaning on several levels.