John Adams, that great American patriot (and my favorite president), asked this question of the American people in the 18th century: “Have you ever found in history one single example of a nation thoroughly corrupted, that was afterwards restored to virtue?”
An excellent question. I can’t think of one.
“And without virtue,” Adams continued, “there can be no political liberty.”
That is an interesting concept in today’s day and age. Virtue is defined in “The American Heritage Dictionary” thusly: moral excellence and righteousness; goodness. Liberty is defined as “the condition of being free of restriction or control; freedom;” or, “the right to act or believe as one chooses.”
On the face of it, these two concepts, virtue and liberty, seem completely at odds with one another. For if man is supposedly free, how can he or she be tied to a moral code by which that person must abide?
But deeper thought shows just how prescient Mr. Adams was.
Liberty without virtue gives us anarchy. No dictionary is needed to describe the peril that would bring. And virtue without liberty is impossible, for man is fallible, and to hope for a completely virtuous society is utopian at best, totalitarian at worst.
But the two of them together give us the perfect combination, and something that our founding fathers attempted to create with our government.
Just what went wrong with their creation?
For the United States today is anything but virtuous, neither individually nor collectively. Our 42nd president cheated on his wife, the current secretary of state, while serving our country. Sen. John Edwards committed adultery on his cancer-stricken wife and even had a child with his lover. Gov. Mark Sanford went all the way to Argentina to commit his act of infidelity.
Our country has tortured people, which, regardless of its effectiveness or necessity in a time of crisis, can hardly be regarded as virtuous. The legality of abortion celebrated its 27th anniversary last Friday, which, regardless of whether you believe in a woman’s right to choose or a baby’s right of birth, does not show moral excellence and righteousness.
Pornography is everywhere. Almost half of all marriages end in divorce. Drug and alcohol abuse destroys families across the country.
Sin has been with us since the fall of Adam, so it comes as no surprise that people sin in the United States. It’s been that way all throughout our history. We’ve never been perfect. Thomas Jefferson allegedly had a child with his slave Sally Hemings. The sitting vice-president, Aaron Burr, shot and killed former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel. The corrupt have infected our government since the day John Hancock put his, well, John Hancock on the document that declared our independence from Great Britain.
But never has sin been committed with so much gusto and gained so much acceptance within a community.
The old cliché is true””the age of chivalry is dead. Virtue has left us. The acts that before received scarlet letters now garner badges of honor. Courage, valor, all remain obsolete in our culture of decadence and depravity.
It all makes one wonder if without virtue, we will lose our liberty. I pray to God that Mr. Adams is wrong. I fear he is not.
joshua4234 • Jan 30, 2010 at 6:03 pm
You can think he is brave and deserves respect all you want, but I found what he said to be incredibly stupid and said why.
Porn could be bad for a relationship or it might not be. There are happy couples within the porn industry itself who only sleep with each other but video it and sell it, and there are happy couples who sleep with other people but have a mutual understanding with their partner. There are happy couples that watch porn together and there are people who just watch porn occasionally by themselves and have regular relationships. You are just asserting that it's bad for relationships because some people don't like it or mess up their relationship with it. It's no more reasonable than saying watching football is addictive and bad for relationships because some people might break up over the issue. It's a sweeping generalization that's unfounded.
I never said or implied that evolution proves that no god could exist, but I explained what it says about the origin of the human species. And for the majority of this long paragraph, I can sum up the error quite nicely. It's like a puddle of water saying 'oh look at how perfectly I fit in this hole, it's like it was designed for me.' The puddle could say that about any hole it happened to find itself in, and if there was no hole it wouldn't be there to say it. The reasoning is flawed. I've probably heard more arguments for the existence of a god than you have, and like the ones by Thomas Aquinas they have not stood up to scrutiny.
I'm not mad a something I don't think exists. If a god existed and he chose to not intervene to stop a murder from happening because he thought it was better to give people freedom to do so, I would disagree with him and call him immoral. Do you think giving people the freedom to choose to murder is more important than stopping them from harming people? If you do, then you're against having jails.
joshua4234 • Jan 30, 2010 at 10:03 am
You can think he is brave and deserves respect all you want, but I found what he said to be incredibly stupid and said why.
Porn could be bad for a relationship or it might not be. There are happy couples within the porn industry itself who only sleep with each other but video it and sell it, and there are happy couples who sleep with other people but have a mutual understanding with their partner. There are happy couples that watch porn together and there are people who just watch porn occasionally by themselves and have regular relationships. You are just asserting that it's bad for relationships because some people don't like it or mess up their relationship with it. It's no more reasonable than saying watching football is addictive and bad for relationships because some people might break up over the issue. It's a sweeping generalization that's unfounded.
I never said or implied that evolution proves that no god could exist, but I explained what it says about the origin of the human species. And for the majority of this long paragraph, I can sum up the error quite nicely. It's like a puddle of water saying 'oh look at how perfectly I fit in this hole, it's like it was designed for me.' The puddle could say that about any hole it happened to find itself in, and if there was no hole it wouldn't be there to say it. The reasoning is flawed. I've probably heard more arguments for the existence of a god than you have, and like the ones by Thomas Aquinas they have not stood up to scrutiny.
I'm not mad a something I don't think exists. If a god existed and he chose to not intervene to stop a murder from happening because he thought it was better to give people freedom to do so, I would disagree with him and call him immoral. Do you think giving people the freedom to choose to murder is more important than stopping them from harming people? If you do, then you're against having jails.
brian_at_csuf • Jan 29, 2010 at 11:22 pm
Tony is actually being quite brave and deserves respect for sticking his neck out for what he believes.
It is a false hope to put one’s faith in government. Government can never really represent all of us, nor solve all of our problems. Even so, leaders should live lives that inspire and uplift the citizens that they govern. Because so many eyes are on them, they need to be an example of how a person could be the best version of themselves.
Porn is addictive, portrays fantasies, is bad for relationships and is a trap for one's spiritual being. It may give a person temporary excitement from the brain-chemical rush of doing something they know is wrong, but it does not provide a happiness that will last. Why are there so many web sites with porn? Because those that are addicted to it can never get enough, and are always looking for something new. The flesh shames the spirit as one is no longer able to resist the temptation to fulfill all bodily urges. As with any addiction it is not easy to free oneself from it. Ask yourself if more porn will really help you to become the best person that you can be.
So many people use the evolution argument to throw God out of their lives. The fact is the more one studies science; the more one can discover how incredible and wondrous life really is. Do you realize how rare it is for a planet to be just the right size and just the right distance from a star to support human life? Do you realize that the moon is exactly the right size and the right distance from the Sun and the Earth so humans can observe a perfect solar eclipse? With a perfect solar eclipse scientists were first able to learn about the chemical makeup of the Sun. Our solar system’s position being on the outer edge of one of the arms of our galaxy is also one that allows us to study the rest of the universe. If it was located anywhere else the brightness of all the surrounding stars would prevent our telescopes from even seeing outside of the galaxy. I could go on and on, but the point is that God setup all of this for our own discovery and enjoyment. Yesterday’s theories have been disproved by new ones, so there is still much to learn. For example was the Grand Canyon created over millions of years of water erosion, or did a giant ice dam break during an ice age, and the subsequent super-flood create the Grand Canyon in one fell swoop? Scientists have proven both possible scenarios, but no one knows for sure, because we were not there to observe it. If you are into logical proofs, you don’t have to figure this out for yourself. Tomas Aquinas has several logical proofs for the existence of God that you can study.
Are you mad at God for allowing human suffering? Would you rather have a God that controls all aspects of everyone’s life so that no suffering occurs? It may be that your image of God needs a big adjustment. God is a “with” God. God wants to be a part of your life– sufferings and joys–because God is all about relationships. Talking to God helps one to have a relationship with God. If one never talks to a friend, would one still be a friend? If one never talks to a spouse, would one's marriage last? No.
Free will is a gift. Using one's free will to resist temptation is for the training of one's spirit just as exercise is to sports and a health body and studying is to learning and the benefit of one’s brain.
If you really think about it, most human suffering is human-caused, however if there was no suffering there would be no opportunity for others to reach out and help their fellow man or woman. Helping others is a way to make love grow.
God is the source of all love, and wants to share that love with us, and wants us to then share that love with each other. That is all there is to it.
joshua4234 • Jan 28, 2010 at 5:00 am
I found this article to be completely idiotic, more so than Tony's usual writings. He must be completely out of his mind if he thinks that the declining state of our country has ANYTHING to do with some adulterers among our representatives, the legality of abortion, pornography, or the fact that there has always been some people that abuse drugs and alcohol. The main reason our country is going down hill is because we are being less and less represented by the elected officials (and their appointees) who run the country. Our congressmen and senators are being strongly influenced by private interests that spend millions and millions on them. They are looking out for themselves instead of their constituents and helping make the rich richer and the poor poorer. And I'm not even surprised Tony left out one of the top most sinful things in my opinion (and something strongly condemned by the words attributed to Jesus), which is greed. Out of all the “immorality” he points out, he completely ignores avarice which is completely telling.
Just some other points of disagreement I want to point out:
1. I hate how you phrased the thing about torture. It's already been shown to be less effective than other methods of gaining intelligence and is never necessary. The people being tortured just spit out any information to get the torture to stop, it doesn't make the information more reliable or true.
2. Pornography is hardly immoral. There's no harm in adults consenting to be filmed or photographed doing sexual things then selling it to adults who want to watch it. Also, access to pornography has been correlated with a decrease in sex-related crimes.
3. There was no 'fall of adam.' Populations change slightly over time due to natural selection and genetic drift and can split apart and continue to change independently of each other which leads to speciation and the diversity of life. Human beings share a common ancestor with all life on earth; two humans were not poofed into existence to start the human race. I'm sorry if you were uninformed of this, Tony.
4. Why pray to your god? Your god would just be an immoral prick for letting all this suffering take place in the first place, even if you claim 'free will' is his excuse (which is asinine at best), I'd still find it immoral to choose 'free will' over ending all the violence and suffering. Luckily, I don't think there is any good evidence to think any gods exist.
joshua4234 • Jan 27, 2010 at 9:00 pm
I found this article to be completely idiotic, more so than Tony's usual writings. He must be completely out of his mind if he thinks that the declining state of our country has ANYTHING to do with some adulterers among our representatives, the legality of abortion, pornography, or the fact that there has always been some people that abuse drugs and alcohol. The main reason our country is going down hill is because we are being less and less represented by the elected officials (and their appointees) who run the country. Our congressmen and senators are being strongly influenced by private interests that spend millions and millions on them. They are looking out for themselves instead of their constituents and helping make the rich richer and the poor poorer. And I'm not even surprised Tony left out one of the top most sinful things in my opinion (and something strongly condemned by the words attributed to Jesus), which is greed. Out of all the “immorality” he points out, he completely ignores avarice which is completely telling.
Just some other points of disagreement I want to point out:
1. I hate how you phrased the thing about torture. It's already been shown to be less effective than other methods of gaining intelligence and is never necessary. The people being tortured just spit out any information to get the torture to stop, it doesn't make the information more reliable or true.
2. Pornography is hardly immoral. There's no harm in adults consenting to be filmed or photographed doing sexual things then selling it to adults who want to watch it. Also, access to pornography has been correlated with a decrease in sex-related crimes.
3. There was no 'fall of adam.' Populations change slightly over time due to natural selection and genetic drift and can split apart and continue to change independently of each other which leads to speciation and the diversity of life. Human beings share a common ancestor with all life on earth; two humans were not poofed into existence to start the human race. I'm sorry if you were uninformed of this, Tony.
4. Why pray to your god? Your god would just be an immoral prick for letting all this suffering take place in the first place, even if you claim 'free will' is his excuse (which is asinine at best), I'd still find it immoral to choose 'free will' over ending all the violence and suffering. Luckily, I don't think there is any good evidence to think any gods exist.