To the editor:
One of the great things about our university is its openness to new ideas and free speech. However, accuracy is also important, especially if we are to have a fair discussion of serious issues.
Let me clarify one major point which was incorrectly reported in the article recently published by The Collegian: students have a meaningful and substantial role on the CSU Board of Trustees. Two seats on the board are reserved for students. As a second-year student trustee, I have the full rights and powers of all appointed trustees, including a vote.
Students are at the table when fee increases, academic policy changes, personnel decisions or other initiatives are considered. This shared governance also extends down from the board to Fresno State, where President Welty has time and again invited students to the table through student appointments to boards throughout the campus. These appointments are made by the elected leaders of the Associated Students, Inc.
Instead of symbolically “declaring independence,” I invite students to be participatory in shared governance. We should make the most of the voice we have on this campus and in this system in order to make a truly positive change from within.
Russel Statham
Student Trustee
To the editor:
In the article, “Academic Independence” published by this paper on Jan. 27, 2010, I read about a group of students who are unhappy accepting things as they are — a group of people dedicated to questioning authority and increasing student involvement. As an Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) senator and as a student, I could not be happier that my peers take their education seriously enough to want to make a change! Any inspired student interested in making a difference on this campus could (and should) come to their student government, ASI, and ask to be placed on a campus wide committee. You can fill the application out online at or come into the ASI office, University Student Union (USU) 316. ASI appoints students to six committees and over 85 campus-wide committees including University Budget Committee, the Academic Senate and the Student Success Task Force. What’s more, students who sit on these committees VOTE!
So it is not only as an ASI senator, but also as a concerned student that I ask all students interested in making Fresno State a better university to continue speaking out, but also, to consider speaking up by putting a vote to your voice in a campus-wide committee.
Selena Farnesi
Student Affairs Senator