The Henry Madden Library will extend its hours during finals, and will be open seven days a week.
The campus share of economic stimulus funds will help pay the library’s employee’s salaries and wages, according to associate dean of library services Dave Tyckoson. The money will pay for the library to be open on weekends and the extended finals hours for the remainder of the semester.
“Extended hours until midnight happen the last two weeks of each semester. The economic stimulus funds that the library received will be spread across fall and spring semesters,” Tyckoson said.
Starting this week, the library will be open every day to better accommodate students. It will also be open on Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
“This year is different because of the state budget situation and the furloughs, which is what led us to closing on Saturdays,” Tyckoson said.
Associated Students, Inc. works closely with the library to ensure they are meeting students’ needs, Tyckoson said, and ASI will also help the library to stay open on Saturdays come spring semester.
The Library Endowment Fund is worth $20,000 and is used for library operations. Through the interest that’s been accumulated, which is nearly $2,200 annually, ASI can help the library stay open on weekends.
Starting on Sunday, Dec. 6, finals hours will go into effect and the library will be open until midnight Sunday through Thursday until Dec. 18. Friday, the library will be open from 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays it will be open from 1p.m. to 5p.m.
A complete list of library hours can be found on the Henry Madden Library Web site.