Yesterday, the president of California State University, Fresno took questions before a panel of students in the Peace Garden.
The setup was nice, complete with a long barricade and police scattered through the scene. Microphones were placed at the bench with a moderator in between Welty and the student speakers, and they even had Pepsi-brand bottles of water on the table for product placement.
The actual event was much less civilized.
The first set of questions leveled at Dr. John Welty were from a widely-distributed list of demands drafted by the student groups Students for Quality Education and the Walkout Coalition. Among the demands was a call for student fees to be returned to their year 2000 levels and for the money raised from the latest round of fees to be refunded.
Yes, refunded.
In response, Welty calmly explained that the lost funds would result in hundreds of additional lost class sections, which obviously would not please the students.
A more interesting exchange took place when Welty’s salary and even his house came into question. The student groups expressed a desire to have his salary – around $290,000 – voluntarily cut by $52,000 and to have him pay rent on his house to reimburse student fees.
The president initially danced around the questions before flatly saying “no” to the proposals. His remarks were met by a chorus of boos from the one-sided crowd.
Once the official questions were over, the real lions came out of the den. Welty was asked by a crying female if he could help her because her parents didn’t work and she could not afford health care. He asked if they could meet later.
A student asked why so much security was present. Welty responded, “I’m not scared of you.”
Pardon my French, but it was pretty gangsta.
Dr. Elizabeth Swearingen, of the Women’s Studies Program, announced that she only makes $1,750 a month and wanted to know what Welty could do about it. A student named Ali Espinoza announced that there would be a “study in” at Welty’s house on Saturday, that she hoped 25,000 students would show up and that if they didn’t all fit in his house the demonstration would spill out into the street. She sarcastically added, “They’d love to have us there, I’m sure.”
Trumping all of these was a student who eventually yelled into the microphone, “If we have to burn down Fresno State and build a new one then that’s what we’ll do!”
Now, I’m all for public forums with public figures. I’m all for keeping the higher-ups in check and speaking for the poor. And I love it when Joe Schmoe gets to finally lay it on Mr. Big Shot.
But, as I overheard a spectator say, the biggest story from Tuesday’s forum was that Welty didn’t haul off and slap somebody.
The abuse he was put through by the hecklers made me honestly wonder if it would be worth taking his job, even with the free house and the nearly 300 grand a year.
The man can’t buy you health insurance, he can’t get you a student loan, he can’t get your job back and he certainly can’t invent money to put into the CSU system.
And if he did volunteer a $52,000 pay cut, each student would receive a little over two dollars each. Then we could achieve the ultimate dream: moving Saturday’s “study in” to McDonald’s.
Jesi 2 • Nov 10, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Amen to that Theresa….Theresa for CSU Fresno President. Honestly fire WELTY !!! GET HIM TO RESIGN.
Jesi 2 • Nov 10, 2009 at 8:56 pm
Amen to that Theresa….Theresa for CSU Fresno President. Honestly fire WELTY !!! GET HIM TO RESIGN.
Jesi 2 • Nov 10, 2009 at 8:56 pm
Amen to that Theresa….Theresa for CSU Fresno President. Honestly fire WELTY !!! GET HIM TO RESIGN.
Theresa • Nov 10, 2009 at 11:48 am
Student and David, I can understand your logic but I have to disagree: cutting his salary (even 1 fiscal year) would be enough to demonstrate that he understands the plight of his employees and students and is more than just a pawn for Sacramento and Long Beach. We’re so busy meeting requirements that we often forget that we are more than students. We’re also customers. It is our money (borrowed or not) and desire to study here that is key to this university’s existence. If a significant number of us decided to go elsewhere (or not go at all (as some have been forced to do recently) something would have to give. As for his living conditions, Welty’s been president for almost 20 years, I highly doubt that everyone passing through his front door(s) are strangers now. 18 years of not having to pay a mortgage, property taxes, utilities (?), housekeeping/lawn staffers, is MORE than worth it! I don’t need a portion of the $52000, but it’d be great to see it offset the cost of parking and ticket “revenue”, be a sign-on bonus to get a pharmacist in the Student Health Ctr. for those who need that service, reduce the number of furlough days my professors are taking so that they can stop moonlighting and focus more on the task of teaching, etc., etc. $52 grand + about $10,000 from each of his wing men/women gets us closer to $100,000 (or more) and could totally accomplish ONE of those and make a notable gesture/difference.
Theresa • Nov 10, 2009 at 7:48 pm
Student and David, I can understand your logic but I have to disagree: cutting his salary (even 1 fiscal year) would be enough to demonstrate that he understands the plight of his employees and students and is more than just a pawn for Sacramento and Long Beach. We’re so busy meeting requirements that we often forget that we are more than students. We’re also customers. It is our money (borrowed or not) and desire to study here that is key to this university’s existence. If a significant number of us decided to go elsewhere (or not go at all (as some have been forced to do recently) something would have to give. As for his living conditions, Welty’s been president for almost 20 years, I highly doubt that everyone passing through his front door(s) are strangers now. 18 years of not having to pay a mortgage, property taxes, utilities (?), housekeeping/lawn staffers, is MORE than worth it! I don’t need a portion of the $52000, but it’d be great to see it offset the cost of parking and ticket “revenue”, be a sign-on bonus to get a pharmacist in the Student Health Ctr. for those who need that service, reduce the number of furlough days my professors are taking so that they can stop moonlighting and focus more on the task of teaching, etc., etc. $52 grand + about $10,000 from each of his wing men/women gets us closer to $100,000 (or more) and could totally accomplish ONE of those and make a notable gesture/difference.
Theresa • Nov 10, 2009 at 7:48 pm
Student and David, I can understand your logic but I have to disagree: cutting his salary (even 1 fiscal year) would be enough to demonstrate that he understands the plight of his employees and students and is more than just a pawn for Sacramento and Long Beach. We’re so busy meeting requirements that we often forget that we are more than students. We’re also customers. It is our money (borrowed or not) and desire to study here that is key to this university’s existence. If a significant number of us decided to go elsewhere (or not go at all (as some have been forced to do recently) something would have to give. As for his living conditions, Welty’s been president for almost 20 years, I highly doubt that everyone passing through his front door(s) are strangers now. 18 years of not having to pay a mortgage, property taxes, utilities (?), housekeeping/lawn staffers, is MORE than worth it! I don’t need a portion of the $52000, but it’d be great to see it offset the cost of parking and ticket “revenue”, be a sign-on bonus to get a pharmacist in the Student Health Ctr. for those who need that service, reduce the number of furlough days my professors are taking so that they can stop moonlighting and focus more on the task of teaching, etc., etc. $52 grand + about $10,000 from each of his wing men/women gets us closer to $100,000 (or more) and could totally accomplish ONE of those and make a notable gesture/difference.
student • Nov 9, 2009 at 1:19 pm
I agree wtih you David, I understand the severity of the financial crisis going in Fresno State but, President’s Welty house is used for the public as well and a lot of reponsiblity goes into being the president, students have to understand that even if he did cut his salary it would not be enough. I think that they need to come up with a better strategic plan to gain president’s Welty support.
student • Nov 9, 2009 at 9:19 pm
I agree wtih you David, I understand the severity of the financial crisis going in Fresno State but, President’s Welty house is used for the public as well and a lot of reponsiblity goes into being the president, students have to understand that even if he did cut his salary it would not be enough. I think that they need to come up with a better strategic plan to gain president’s Welty support.
student • Nov 9, 2009 at 9:19 pm
I agree wtih you David, I understand the severity of the financial crisis going in Fresno State but, President’s Welty house is used for the public as well and a lot of reponsiblity goes into being the president, students have to understand that even if he did cut his salary it would not be enough. I think that they need to come up with a better strategic plan to gain president’s Welty support.
Scuba Steve • Nov 4, 2009 at 8:00 pm
David: I’d rather pay rent. But that’s just me. Maybe others enjoy having thousands of strangers in their house every year.
Scuba Steve • Nov 5, 2009 at 4:00 am
David: I’d rather pay rent. But that’s just me. Maybe others enjoy having thousands of strangers in their house every year.
Student • Nov 4, 2009 at 6:07 pm
I appreciate the perspective that this article provides and I hope the misinformed, ignorant protestors understand what an embarrassment it was to be a student at that meeting. President Welty was probably embarrassed to be the president of CSUF.
Student • Nov 5, 2009 at 2:07 am
I appreciate the perspective that this article provides and I hope the misinformed, ignorant protestors understand what an embarrassment it was to be a student at that meeting. President Welty was probably embarrassed to be the president of CSUF.
David again • Nov 5, 2009 at 1:34 am
To those protesting Welty’s free use of Univ. House, I have a question: If you had the choice, would you rather pay rent for your house or live there for free on the condition that you have thousands of strangers visit your house every year?
David again • Nov 4, 2009 at 5:34 pm
To those protesting Welty’s free use of Univ. House, I have a question: If you had the choice, would you rather pay rent for your house or live there for free on the condition that you have thousands of strangers visit your house every year?
David • Nov 4, 2009 at 5:15 pm
Just in case you’re not aware, the house that Welty uses was DONATED to the university for use by the president. Its called “University House” for a reason, and that reason is that Welty holds dozens of official dinners and hosts thousands of guests at his own home every year.
The protestors need to realize that Welty’s salary comes with a LOT of responsibility. Yes, he makes $400K (though, just FYI, Pat Hill makes 3x as much), but that salary comes with massive amounts of overtime, stress, and lots dinner guests.
David • Nov 5, 2009 at 1:15 am
Just in case you’re not aware, the house that Welty uses was DONATED to the university for use by the president. Its called “University House” for a reason, and that reason is that Welty holds dozens of official dinners and hosts thousands of guests at his own home every year.
The protestors need to realize that Welty’s salary comes with a LOT of responsibility. Yes, he makes $400K (though, just FYI, Pat Hill makes 3x as much), but that salary comes with massive amounts of overtime, stress, and lots dinner guests.
wtf • Nov 4, 2009 at 2:24 pm
Wtf? The person who is goes by the name of “dumb” just called someone else a dumb ass. How would they know who’s dumb or not, they’re dumb.
wtf • Nov 4, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Wtf? The person who is goes by the name of “dumb” just called someone else a dumb ass. How would they know who’s dumb or not, they’re dumb.
Dumb • Nov 4, 2009 at 9:49 am
Since when is the word GANGSTA French? You’re a dumb-ass.
Dumb • Nov 4, 2009 at 5:49 pm
Since when is the word GANGSTA French? You’re a dumb-ass.
RNAC • Nov 4, 2009 at 9:46 am
Dr. Swearingin, if you teach women’s studies, chances are you deserve only about 1700 a month (PhD. or not)——teach an academic subject of value and the paychecks will begin to flow in.
RNAC • Nov 4, 2009 at 5:46 pm
Dr. Swearingin, if you teach women’s studies, chances are you deserve only about 1700 a month (PhD. or not)——teach an academic subject of value and the paychecks will begin to flow in.