On paper I am a 21-year-old Hispanic female from a middle-class upbringing who is the first member of her family to attend college right out of high school. In other words, I have come across many obstacles to find myself here, two semesters away from graduation.
Earlier this year, California State University, Fresno was rated one of the top 20 schools to award bachelor’s degrees to Hispanics by the “Hispanic Outlook in Higher Educationâ€Â magazine. The magazine publishes an annual report that lists the nation’s top 100 four-year colleges and universities to give out the most bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees to Hispanic students.
From the perspective of a Fresno State student, recognition proving the school is diverse is certainly a marketable feature. However, considered as part of the Hispanic percentile of students on campus, I am somewhat insulted.
The problem that stems from such an award is the implication Fresno State seeks out Hispanic students to hand degrees to. It̢۪s as if the university has a certain quota it has to meet in order to prove it is an equal opportunity establishment.
Degrees are a tangible piece of evidence showing how much hard work and time was put into a particular area of study. It is not something merely given to someone based on the amount of adversity they had to overcome.
The acknowledgment of one particular ethnic group does nothing more than marginalize it. When a group is singled out it creates a separation, establishing an apparent inequality. How is one group of people earning degrees any more newsworthy than another?
At a job interview or while introducing myself to potential employers, I never proclaim my ethnicity as a particular hurdle I̢۪ve spent my life reconciling with, nor do I identify myself as Hispanic in hopes of being chosen from the pool of other applicants regardless of how my qualifications compare.
My year-round tan and dark hair clearly identify me as Hispanic, a fact I have never been ashamed of or exploited to obtain something I didn̢۪t deserve.
I am an individual who should be evaluated based on my personal ability, not by the box I check off to classify what ethnic group I belong to.
Growing up, my mother always gave me advice such as “treat others the way you want to be treated,â€Â and the infamous “you can be anything you want to be.â€Â One of the most relevant and genuine ideals she imparted me with was to always strive for more than I was given and to never use any circumstance out of my control as an excuse to not give my personal best.
When I walk up to receive my bachelor̢۪s degree in May, I do not want my personal feat reduced to a gift that I am deserving of merely because of my Hispanic background. I, along with the fellow graduates I will have the privilege of accompanying, will have all earned the right to be there. Despite the varied ethnicities that will celebrate spring graduation, the degree will hold a universal representation for everyone: a valid confirmation of the hard work and perseverance that goes into such an accomplishment.
Marcotorres • Jun 25, 2010 at 10:19 am
Lacee, your elitist vision shuns democratic accountability. And although this elitist vision–that of the Exceptional Hispanic who is “better than those other 'Hispanics'”–is found more readily among the educated and middle class, sadly some of the working poor and very poor subscribe to it too.
I also enjoyed your whitewash racial rhetoric. You say, [during a job interview] “I don't identify myself as Hispanic in hopes of being chosen from the pool of other applicants regardless of how my qualifications compare”. If I am not mistaken, affirmative action programs have disproportionately benefited White females since the policies were originated in the early 1970s. Yet, how often do you hear white women angrily moaning that they are enjoying “free rides” and “hand outs” at the expense of white males? Lacee sorry to burst your bubble, but the surname Solis is “Hispanic” in origin.
This colorblind society you allude to is troublesome for me Lacee. I come from a tradition where you affirm a person's color, culture and beauty–the very essence that makes them human. You cannot love someone without recognizing, acknowledging and affirming those beautify elements that make them unique. The media has sanitized and deodorized the racial discourse is Martin King's “I have a dream” speech. Lacee as a future journalist, I wish you the best. I hope to continue reading your articles in the near future!
Marco A. Torres
Green Mountain Boy • Oct 25, 2009 at 4:19 am
The SSN isn’t an essential feature here. I still advocate a faceless admission system, labeling people with some kind of unique ID (SSN was just an example) until they have been deemed fit for admission without consideration of race or ethnicity.
Green Mountain Boy • Oct 25, 2009 at 11:19 am
The SSN isn’t an essential feature here. I still advocate a faceless admission system, labeling people with some kind of unique ID (SSN was just an example) until they have been deemed fit for admission without consideration of race or ethnicity.
Heywood Jablome • Oct 25, 2009 at 1:24 am
Green Mountain Boy, while the social security number philosophy is good in premise, the UC and CSU systems admit students and enroll students on falsified and even stolen social security numbers. The children of migrant laborers and undocumented immigrants if born on foreign soil and never officially permanent residents, must use the social of an American citizen or legal permanent resident. OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM DOES NOT ENSURE SAFEGUARD AGAINST FRAUD AND MISUSE.
Heywood Jablome • Oct 25, 2009 at 8:24 am
Green Mountain Boy, while the social security number philosophy is good in premise, the UC and CSU systems admit students and enroll students on falsified and even stolen social security numbers. The children of migrant laborers and undocumented immigrants if born on foreign soil and never officially permanent residents, must use the social of an American citizen or legal permanent resident. OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM DOES NOT ENSURE SAFEGUARD AGAINST FRAUD AND MISUSE.
Green Mountain Boy • Oct 24, 2009 at 2:54 pm
Very well written. Congratulations and best of luck.
I’ve always questioned racial/ethnic quotas. Motives for actively recruiting minorities seem incredibly shallow and appear to do more harm than good. Should anybody have to wonder if a qualified candidate was displaced by somebody equally or less qualified that helps rank the institution at the top of the media’s list of most diverse schools or employers? There is no shortage of brilliant people with minority backgrounds but admissions quotas that treat them like collectibles being put on display invariably, and unfairly places their credibility on trial.
There should be no award for the school with the most diverse campus. No school deserves special praise for not excluding people based on race.
Why not identify university applications solely with a social security number that gives no indication of ancestry or skin color, until the very end of the acceptance process? Arguments that a college has admitted too many white students or that minorities have it easier would become baseless (not that they have much credibility today). It would be my hope that with a faceless admissions process, the racial and ethnic composition of the college population in America would remain the same.
Green Mountain Boy • Oct 24, 2009 at 9:54 pm
Very well written. Congratulations and best of luck.
I’ve always questioned racial/ethnic quotas. Motives for actively recruiting minorities seem incredibly shallow and appear to do more harm than good. Should anybody have to wonder if a qualified candidate was displaced by somebody equally or less qualified that helps rank the institution at the top of the media’s list of most diverse schools or employers? There is no shortage of brilliant people with minority backgrounds but admissions quotas that treat them like collectibles being put on display invariably, and unfairly places their credibility on trial.
There should be no award for the school with the most diverse campus. No school deserves special praise for not excluding people based on race.
Why not identify university applications solely with a social security number that gives no indication of ancestry or skin color, until the very end of the acceptance process? Arguments that a college has admitted too many white students or that minorities have it easier would become baseless (not that they have much credibility today). It would be my hope that with a faceless admissions process, the racial and ethnic composition of the college population in America would remain the same.
Arnold43 • Oct 23, 2009 at 3:58 am
Lately, he’s had no shame in comparing the Obama Administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress to the Third Reich. ,
Arnold43 • Oct 23, 2009 at 10:58 am
Lately, he’s had no shame in comparing the Obama Administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress to the Third Reich. ,
Merlin26 • Oct 22, 2009 at 5:05 am
What parts of its economic philosophy are unclear? ,
Merlin26 • Oct 22, 2009 at 12:05 pm
What parts of its economic philosophy are unclear? ,
richard • Oct 15, 2009 at 4:49 pm
It’s called a mistake. You would notice that I am very much able to spell correctly if you did not only search for the one mistake I made and try to make it seem like I am unintelligent . This includes the word “prejudiced.” Don’t even try to act like you’ve never made a mistake in typing before. Also, you shouldn’t be pointing out people’s mistakes if you have to use “LMFAO” in pointing out something instead of speaking like an adult. Also, you assume I am Mexican, Mexican-American etcetera but you do not know anything about me, besides the fact I made a mistake while typing like many others do every day. I guess a college education, if you even attend Fresno State, cannot cover a person’s ignorance.
richard • Oct 15, 2009 at 11:49 pm
It’s called a mistake. You would notice that I am very much able to spell correctly if you did not only search for the one mistake I made and try to make it seem like I am unintelligent . This includes the word “prejudiced.” Don’t even try to act like you’ve never made a mistake in typing before. Also, you shouldn’t be pointing out people’s mistakes if you have to use “LMFAO” in pointing out something instead of speaking like an adult. Also, you assume I am Mexican, Mexican-American etcetera but you do not know anything about me, besides the fact I made a mistake while typing like many others do every day. I guess a college education, if you even attend Fresno State, cannot cover a person’s ignorance.
Brown Pride • Oct 15, 2009 at 4:55 am
I still maintain you must wake up and smell the tortillas in abuelitas kitchen. That is if your grandma still makes tortillas or has assimilated to white bread. The University doesnt realy care about you being hispanic. They only see hispanic “numbers” and are pulling in those numbers to meet thier quota and say “look over here our campus supports hispanics” when in reality they dont. Most second generation born and any generation after that dont even speak read or write spanish, and the closest thing they know about Latin America and thier roots is a ship cruise to that country and some alcoholic beverage to remind them of it. Like it or hate it, you still will be seen as ethnicity first, person pretty much last. The skill you attain generally doesnt guarantee your access to jobs or a live you should be living…….it is still based on either skin color or how much you have assimilated away from your hispanic roots.
Brown Pride • Oct 15, 2009 at 11:55 am
I still maintain you must wake up and smell the tortillas in abuelitas kitchen. That is if your grandma still makes tortillas or has assimilated to white bread. The University doesnt realy care about you being hispanic. They only see hispanic “numbers” and are pulling in those numbers to meet thier quota and say “look over here our campus supports hispanics” when in reality they dont. Most second generation born and any generation after that dont even speak read or write spanish, and the closest thing they know about Latin America and thier roots is a ship cruise to that country and some alcoholic beverage to remind them of it. Like it or hate it, you still will be seen as ethnicity first, person pretty much last. The skill you attain generally doesnt guarantee your access to jobs or a live you should be living…….it is still based on either skin color or how much you have assimilated away from your hispanic roots.
One Who is Appreciative • Oct 15, 2009 at 12:55 am
Ms. Solis,
I wanted to thank you for your article. It was a great read, and I congratulate you for your efforts. It is clearly apparent that you deserve your degree, and much more.
In regard to the comments that follow, I say that for the most part, there is weight to both sides of the argument. I think it is safe to say there is a tenancy to push towards the “American” culture (American in this instance representing the residual Nuclear Family construct often associated with a “white” hegemony), and as a result, “Mexican” or “Latino” culture(s) is(are) dwarfed. This is also true for other minorities as well. At the same time, the mantra of the American people has been a capitalist idea that anyone can move up with enough determination. So although people may feel that the institution of education, etc., favors the rich over the poor, or “white” people over another color of skin, it is the American Ideal that we shouldn’t care because as long as someone has the drive and the ability, they will be successful.
To succeed at a University Level, there are some concessions that must be made. A student needs to be able to read and write and perform their abilities to faculty, and the university. They also need to be able to devote time and energy to their studies. For the university to succeed, personal consideration must be waived in favor of working towards a standard. In the case of the 18 year old woman above, she may have the ability to perform in a setting that was Spanish speaking, but is not the case at this university. Also, maintaining 4 children should be here primary objective, and trying to balance that with school will not allow her to perform either task the best. So in that case, she just might simply not fit the mold for a student at this university, and society shouldn’t force her to. What led her to have more children doesn’t need to be considered because the most important question is whether or not one is able to achieve and maintain the requirements of the university. If they are, let them in, if they aren’t, encourage alternative paths.
If you are unhappy with this model of education, you need to understand that this is the system in place, and if you are unhappy with it you can pursue another form of education. If enough people do that, then the status quo will change.
Sorry to use Ms. Solis as an example, but here is a woman who put aside the time and resources to achieve her goal in graduation. And she should be commended for doing so, not as a woman, not as part of an ethnic group, not having a specific orientation, not for her religious beliefs, but as a human who did the work.
One Who is Appreciative • Oct 15, 2009 at 7:55 am
Ms. Solis,
I wanted to thank you for your article. It was a great read, and I congratulate you for your efforts. It is clearly apparent that you deserve your degree, and much more.
In regard to the comments that follow, I say that for the most part, there is weight to both sides of the argument. I think it is safe to say there is a tenancy to push towards the “American” culture (American in this instance representing the residual Nuclear Family construct often associated with a “white” hegemony), and as a result, “Mexican” or “Latino” culture(s) is(are) dwarfed. This is also true for other minorities as well. At the same time, the mantra of the American people has been a capitalist idea that anyone can move up with enough determination. So although people may feel that the institution of education, etc., favors the rich over the poor, or “white” people over another color of skin, it is the American Ideal that we shouldn’t care because as long as someone has the drive and the ability, they will be successful.
To succeed at a University Level, there are some concessions that must be made. A student needs to be able to read and write and perform their abilities to faculty, and the university. They also need to be able to devote time and energy to their studies. For the university to succeed, personal consideration must be waived in favor of working towards a standard. In the case of the 18 year old woman above, she may have the ability to perform in a setting that was Spanish speaking, but is not the case at this university. Also, maintaining 4 children should be here primary objective, and trying to balance that with school will not allow her to perform either task the best. So in that case, she just might simply not fit the mold for a student at this university, and society shouldn’t force her to. What led her to have more children doesn’t need to be considered because the most important question is whether or not one is able to achieve and maintain the requirements of the university. If they are, let them in, if they aren’t, encourage alternative paths.
If you are unhappy with this model of education, you need to understand that this is the system in place, and if you are unhappy with it you can pursue another form of education. If enough people do that, then the status quo will change.
Sorry to use Ms. Solis as an example, but here is a woman who put aside the time and resources to achieve her goal in graduation. And she should be commended for doing so, not as a woman, not as part of an ethnic group, not having a specific orientation, not for her religious beliefs, but as a human who did the work.
Che Castro • Oct 14, 2009 at 7:58 pm
richard: What is predudiced? LMFAO!!!!!! Seriously man. Do you have a preschool education? Learn how to spell. I guess needing to learn how to spell isn’t relevant when you are being a drain on society and being worthless. Carry on watching telemundo.
Che Castro • Oct 15, 2009 at 2:58 am
richard: What is predudiced? LMFAO!!!!!! Seriously man. Do you have a preschool education? Learn how to spell. I guess needing to learn how to spell isn’t relevant when you are being a drain on society and being worthless. Carry on watching telemundo.
dw • Oct 14, 2009 at 10:09 am
The Minute Men are alive and well on this campus. Sounds like most of the posters came out of the Ag College.
dw • Oct 14, 2009 at 5:09 pm
The Minute Men are alive and well on this campus. Sounds like most of the posters came out of the Ag College.
richard • Oct 14, 2009 at 6:51 am
To the obviously predudiced posters, come back when you have a viable true argument. Stop trying to hide your obvious prejudices about one group of people with stereotypes and misinformation.
Feel free to attack my statement like I know you will with more statements of the kind you have already made. I already know what you’ll say because every time it’s the same thing, no matter the individual. Have a nice day.
richard • Oct 14, 2009 at 1:51 pm
To the obviously predudiced posters, come back when you have a viable true argument. Stop trying to hide your obvious prejudices about one group of people with stereotypes and misinformation.
Feel free to attack my statement like I know you will with more statements of the kind you have already made. I already know what you’ll say because every time it’s the same thing, no matter the individual. Have a nice day.
Carlos Fonseca • Oct 14, 2009 at 1:42 am
tochoade: Don’t denigrate a person’s story just because the description of what he encountered was accurate. Anyone who has gone to Fresno State has encountered at least one example in their 4 years of campus, a situation where there is a mexican student that clearly does not belong on campus. Quite frankly, if a girl already has 4 kids by the time she is 18 she has severe mental issues that need to be addressed before she should be allowed to seek a college education. You mean to tell me that a girl can make the same mistake 4 times and not learn to use protection/abstain from sex (wow, what a novel concept), and then, is expected to have the critical thinking skills to perform well in college? That kind of stupidity wouldn’t even qualify you to sweep up elephant feces in a circus, much less pursue a college degree. Nobody can ever explain why it is necessary for mexican girls to throw away their lives to have so many god forsaken kids so young. It makes no sense. No other ethnicity has such a high teen birthrate as mexicans. That is simply a fact.
Carlos Fonseca • Oct 14, 2009 at 8:42 am
tochoade: Don’t denigrate a person’s story just because the description of what he encountered was accurate. Anyone who has gone to Fresno State has encountered at least one example in their 4 years of campus, a situation where there is a mexican student that clearly does not belong on campus. Quite frankly, if a girl already has 4 kids by the time she is 18 she has severe mental issues that need to be addressed before she should be allowed to seek a college education. You mean to tell me that a girl can make the same mistake 4 times and not learn to use protection/abstain from sex (wow, what a novel concept), and then, is expected to have the critical thinking skills to perform well in college? That kind of stupidity wouldn’t even qualify you to sweep up elephant feces in a circus, much less pursue a college degree. Nobody can ever explain why it is necessary for mexican girls to throw away their lives to have so many god forsaken kids so young. It makes no sense. No other ethnicity has such a high teen birthrate as mexicans. That is simply a fact.
To Choade • Oct 13, 2009 at 11:57 pm
I find it shameful to be part of a university with students that are not just plain stupid but then have the audacity to sterotype an entire people based on his/her personal experience. First and foremost, your comment about the 18 year old mother of four children, what a huge closed-minded stereotype! how dare you insult her! Do you know her story? no, you don’t so don’t you dare judge her. you respect her because despite the fact of her situation she is attempting to educate herself for her children. Secondly, I know plenty of fathers that don’t want their daughters to marry a gang-banger and who’s to say that just the white man is educated, are you assuming that there is no such thing as an educated person of color? What a priviledged arrogant ignorant fool you are.
As for you Lacee before making assumptions about the people you represent, research what you’re about to say so that you don’t sound completely ignorant of the social oppression minorites still confront. I too find your article insulting.
To Choade • Oct 14, 2009 at 6:57 am
I find it shameful to be part of a university with students that are not just plain stupid but then have the audacity to sterotype an entire people based on his/her personal experience. First and foremost, your comment about the 18 year old mother of four children, what a huge closed-minded stereotype! how dare you insult her! Do you know her story? no, you don’t so don’t you dare judge her. you respect her because despite the fact of her situation she is attempting to educate herself for her children. Secondly, I know plenty of fathers that don’t want their daughters to marry a gang-banger and who’s to say that just the white man is educated, are you assuming that there is no such thing as an educated person of color? What a priviledged arrogant ignorant fool you are.
As for you Lacee before making assumptions about the people you represent, research what you’re about to say so that you don’t sound completely ignorant of the social oppression minorites still confront. I too find your article insulting.
Ben Choade • Oct 13, 2009 at 10:12 pm
First, ‘Chicano/a’, ‘Latino’, ‘Mexican’, ‘Mexican-American’ IS/ARE NOT A RACE(S)—–The US government created the label when the earliest migration from Latin-America to the states began——you people are Indigenous or white OR a mix of one or more races.
Secondly, the university DOES seek out Hispanic students to enroll in university programs—look at CAMP, and look at all of the other programs geared towards increasing Latino/Chicano enrollment at Fresno State without regard for qualifications or the ability to perform in the university setting—-I’ve had Fresno county high school graduates in my early prereq. core classes who should not be enrolled at a university—–18 year old mother of four children who could hardly string together a sentence in English.
Lastly, the Latino population in the US will succeed when it breaks down racial dividing lines that it often sets up by choice. I’ve witnessed many Latinas (some I’ve dated) whose fathers would rather see their daughter date a gangbanger of Mexican decent than an educated white male. I’m not sure why this kind of cultural division is not being eliminated.
Ben Choade • Oct 14, 2009 at 5:12 am
First, ‘Chicano/a’, ‘Latino’, ‘Mexican’, ‘Mexican-American’ IS/ARE NOT A RACE(S)—–The US government created the label when the earliest migration from Latin-America to the states began——you people are Indigenous or white OR a mix of one or more races.
Secondly, the university DOES seek out Hispanic students to enroll in university programs—look at CAMP, and look at all of the other programs geared towards increasing Latino/Chicano enrollment at Fresno State without regard for qualifications or the ability to perform in the university setting—-I’ve had Fresno county high school graduates in my early prereq. core classes who should not be enrolled at a university—–18 year old mother of four children who could hardly string together a sentence in English.
Lastly, the Latino population in the US will succeed when it breaks down racial dividing lines that it often sets up by choice. I’ve witnessed many Latinas (some I’ve dated) whose fathers would rather see their daughter date a gangbanger of Mexican decent than an educated white male. I’m not sure why this kind of cultural division is not being eliminated.
youallarestupid • Oct 13, 2009 at 10:47 am
you all are stupid morons. Our cities problems have nothing to do with ethnicity. go to the mid west where the population is mostly white and you will still have poverty. So all you people are morons, we have these issues because we are a big city.
youallarestupid • Oct 13, 2009 at 5:47 pm
you all are stupid morons. Our cities problems have nothing to do with ethnicity. go to the mid west where the population is mostly white and you will still have poverty. So all you people are morons, we have these issues because we are a big city.
fyi • Oct 12, 2009 at 8:32 pm
Lacee…if you haven’t seen the comments maybe you should rethink how ‘insulted’ you are…wake up and realize we live in a society where even though the hispanic race is growing we are still a minority and are not equal!! the fact that you are insulted for hispanics getting higher education degrees insults me! and insults the hispanic race and the struggles we’ve been through so that you can be in the shoes you are in and be able to write this article!
fyi • Oct 13, 2009 at 3:32 am
Lacee…if you haven’t seen the comments maybe you should rethink how ‘insulted’ you are…wake up and realize we live in a society where even though the hispanic race is growing we are still a minority and are not equal!! the fact that you are insulted for hispanics getting higher education degrees insults me! and insults the hispanic race and the struggles we’ve been through so that you can be in the shoes you are in and be able to write this article!
lol • Oct 12, 2009 at 9:24 am
Thanks Brown Pride and Pancho Jesus. Your responses lend credibility to the view of Fresno as the dumbest city in the country. Pancho, your ridiculous and ignorant rant is evidence of a small mind. This community is filled with thousands of Latinos who are surely smarter and work harder than you. It has has plenty of ignorant and lazy, entitlement driven people of other races as well, including white.
As for Brown Pride, while I’m sure it is convenient to be able to blame all of ones failings and difficulties in life on white domination, the fact of the matter is that you have far more to do with how your life unfolds than you care to acknowledge. I realize that can be scary but it is called being a grown up. You seem to believe that when one is born white the checks, school admissions and job offers just pour in, regardless of ability and work. You also disregard the talent and hard work of the large numbers of minorities that have achieved so much, benefiting all of us. Indeed, that is the cruelest part of your screed. You essentially tell minorities that hard work and education don’t matter. What a plan.
The seemingly divergent views expressed in these 2 posts are really 2 sides of the same coin and clear evidence that ignorance is the exclusive domain of no group.
lol • Oct 12, 2009 at 4:24 pm
Thanks Brown Pride and Pancho Jesus. Your responses lend credibility to the view of Fresno as the dumbest city in the country. Pancho, your ridiculous and ignorant rant is evidence of a small mind. This community is filled with thousands of Latinos who are surely smarter and work harder than you. It has has plenty of ignorant and lazy, entitlement driven people of other races as well, including white.
As for Brown Pride, while I’m sure it is convenient to be able to blame all of ones failings and difficulties in life on white domination, the fact of the matter is that you have far more to do with how your life unfolds than you care to acknowledge. I realize that can be scary but it is called being a grown up. You seem to believe that when one is born white the checks, school admissions and job offers just pour in, regardless of ability and work. You also disregard the talent and hard work of the large numbers of minorities that have achieved so much, benefiting all of us. Indeed, that is the cruelest part of your screed. You essentially tell minorities that hard work and education don’t matter. What a plan.
The seemingly divergent views expressed in these 2 posts are really 2 sides of the same coin and clear evidence that ignorance is the exclusive domain of no group.
yort • Oct 12, 2009 at 8:33 am
Wow, I never expected such an article to come from a univerisity that is so entrenched in a liberal mindset. But then again this seems to be a truly educated person, rather than the brainwashed lemming that follows all the rest of the mindless liberal drool. Congratulations young lady, you sound like you earned it.
yort • Oct 12, 2009 at 3:33 pm
Wow, I never expected such an article to come from a univerisity that is so entrenched in a liberal mindset. But then again this seems to be a truly educated person, rather than the brainwashed lemming that follows all the rest of the mindless liberal drool. Congratulations young lady, you sound like you earned it.
Pancho Jesus • Oct 12, 2009 at 2:13 am
Mexicans have such a bad reputation because the always expect to be given things for doing nothing. They don’t work hard to get an education to better their life. They choose to have 10 kids when they can’t even afford to take care of one. They have no class in how they conduct themselves in public. They enter the country illegally and then have the audacity to demand that they have access to the same rights of legal citizens, and on and on.
What would Fresno be without all of the mexicans? Would the city have such a terrible reputation? Hell no. Think about if Fresno was only North Fresno and Clovis. Wow. That would be an amazing city. Instead, Fresno’s reputation is ruined and soiled by all of the wastes of life south of Shaw Avenue where all of the undesirables live. Fresno could be a great city if all of those losers were rounded up and removed from the city.
Pancho Jesus • Oct 12, 2009 at 9:13 am
Mexicans have such a bad reputation because the always expect to be given things for doing nothing. They don’t work hard to get an education to better their life. They choose to have 10 kids when they can’t even afford to take care of one. They have no class in how they conduct themselves in public. They enter the country illegally and then have the audacity to demand that they have access to the same rights of legal citizens, and on and on.
What would Fresno be without all of the mexicans? Would the city have such a terrible reputation? Hell no. Think about if Fresno was only North Fresno and Clovis. Wow. That would be an amazing city. Instead, Fresno’s reputation is ruined and soiled by all of the wastes of life south of Shaw Avenue where all of the undesirables live. Fresno could be a great city if all of those losers were rounded up and removed from the city.
Brown Pride • Oct 12, 2009 at 12:11 am
Im sorry. Wake up and smell the tortillas in abuelitas kitchen. It is so called “Columbus Day” or “Dia de la Raza” and it should be a reminder and you will have to live with the fact that this society is based on White Privelege, not academic skill or determination. After you graduate, you may want to consider grad school. Then you can truly move away from the handout that is really given to hispanics at this brown forsaken university.
Brown Pride • Oct 12, 2009 at 7:11 am
Im sorry. Wake up and smell the tortillas in abuelitas kitchen. It is so called “Columbus Day” or “Dia de la Raza” and it should be a reminder and you will have to live with the fact that this society is based on White Privelege, not academic skill or determination. After you graduate, you may want to consider grad school. Then you can truly move away from the handout that is really given to hispanics at this brown forsaken university.