Obama scraps missile-shield: President Obama has ended the missile-shield program in Eastern Europe put in place by his predecessor in order to move it south long the Mediterranean Sea. Republicans decry this move as “appeasingâ€Â Russia, but I must disagree with my party on this issue. What good does it do to have a policy of aggression against Mother Russia? The Soviet Union has been dead for almost 20 years now. Methinks it’s time to treat them like a normal country again.
You lie: Here̢۪s Saturday Night Live on why Joe Wilson might have disrupted the president̢۪s health care speech. Hilarious.
Health care NOT a right: Here’s Theodore Dalrymple’s take on the health care debate. Mr. Dalrymple is right. Health care, while very important, is not a right that needs to be bestowed upon us by the powers that be. Now food on the other hand…
Turn on the pumps: On Thursday, the Fox News Channel̢۪s Sean Hannity broadcast his television show Hannity from Huron, CA, highlighting the egregious actions the government has taken in trying to save a two-inch bait fish (Here you can watch the parts of the program). While I vehemently disagree with Mr. Hannity on most issues, he has really done the valley a service by covering this story, and I commend him on this. Hopefully his, and the rest of those courageously trying to get us our water back, efforts will lead to real change in Washington and California.
Recession ‘over’, unemployment keeps rising: According to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the recession America has been mired in since December ’07 is “very likely” over. Mr. Bernanke, tell that to California, where unemployment keeps rising and has reached 12.2 percent. For Mr. Bernanke to make such a claim is outlandish to say the least.
Obama̢۪s change looks awfully familiar: All throughout the campaign, President Obama railed against civil liberties abuses the former president committed. Well, looks like this was another case of the pot calling the kettle black. The president has decided to keep three key provisions from the Patriot Act that would have expired by the end of the year. Chump change is more like it.
More war mongering: It’s being reported that Iran now has nuclear capabilities, giving neo-con warmongerers a reason (as if they needed one) to suggest attacking Iran, or at least in supporting Israel in carrying out an attack. Here’s an idea—how about we use war only as a last resort, such as when we are attacked? Just a thought.
Evan • Sep 25, 2009 at 3:58 pm
I don’t agree with everything you’ve got here, but I’ve think you’ve got a point about health care not being a right.
I think that Ron Paul does a good job of explaining the difference between a “right” and a “good” in this video.
Evan • Sep 25, 2009 at 8:58 am
I don’t agree with everything you’ve got here, but I’ve think you’ve got a point about health care not being a right.
I think that Ron Paul does a good job of explaining the difference between a “right” and a “good” in this video.