If you are like me, you probably delete 90 percent of the mass e-mails from Fresno State. But about two weeks ago, a survey about a proposed parking structure caught my attention.
Even though I am graduating in May, I still care about Fresno State̢۪s future, so I decided to take the survey.
The survey explained that the proposed structure will be multi-level and will alleviate a big portion of our campus̢۪ parking issues.
Personally, I think making the green solar lot (parking lot V) a multi-level garage and changing some of the yellow spots to green ones would have achieved this, but, hey, let’s spend a few million more dollars. It’s not like we are in a budget crisis or anything.
I̢۪m not a scientist, but I̢۪m guessing lot V could still have solar panels. They would just be a little higher off the ground. Also, maybe us students could actually park there with our green parking passes without purchasing our own spot. I have been going to school here for nearly four years and have yet to see a yellow lot even close to being full.
I also have yet to see lot V full.
Going back to the survey: as I answered the questions, I couldn̢۪t help but wonder where this parking structure is going to go. The master plan says the first parking structure will go up east up the Peters Business Building, but it does not offer any more specifics.
Will it take over the existing lot?
Will it be near Campus Pointe?
The survey asked if I would be in favor of doubling the current parking pass rate. This hike would put us on par with some other large universities. I decided that I would consider it if the lot was conveniently located because I really do think we need more parking spaces for students.
If this does go through, however, my fear is that our current green lots will be painted yellow and we will be told there is plenty of parking in the new structure, not giving us more spots, but relocating them.
So, if the structure really is all that is being promised and is going to actually be located near campus, then I’m for it and the unfortunate fee hike to pay for it. But if I would have to take a trolley from the new structure just to get to class, then no thank you. I will stick to my “circle, follow and wait” method of securing my daily spot.
Quotes to live by • Aug 28, 2009 at 8:12 pm
Yep, agreed. It’s strange how complicated things always seem to get. I’m with you. Let’s think the process out a bit better before throwing more money into it.
Quotes to live by • Aug 29, 2009 at 3:12 am
Yep, agreed. It’s strange how complicated things always seem to get. I’m with you. Let’s think the process out a bit better before throwing more money into it.