I have to admit, at Fresno State basketball games, I may or may not reenact some moves made popular by the former dance team. I can̢۪t help it. When you got it, you got it.
Actually, I do it mostly for the entertainment of my friends (and myself), but in part to remember the hard-working, lightly-clothed talent that once graced the sidelines and moved to the beat of the Bulldog Beat.
As of January 23, 2009, order has been restored. That was the day a press release announcing the return of the once-defunct dance team surfaced, and, boy, did I spread the word. Reaction ranged from exuberant to ecstatic. That̢۪s because they shouldn̢۪t have been gone in the first place.
Can anyone even remember a reason why the team was disbanded? Word on the streets is that a bunch of the older to quite older (female) fans complained, and in less time than it takes to pick up your jaw from watching the dance team̢۪s halftime performance, they were gone.
Let me ask you to put your thinking caps on for a minute. Think back to a college sporting event—namely football or basketball—that you saw on TV. There is a cheer team and a dance team to root them on. I don’t know of a major college in the United States that doesn’t have a dance team. A dance team is as standard as a library nowadays, which is a pretty good analogy if you ask me, because you visit both of them to check things out.
What about in a frozen state like Minnesota? Yep, they̢۪ve got one. Any big name school does. But even random schools that would score big points in Scrabble like Lindenwood, St. Benedict and Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Who? Exactly my point) have a dance team, and they̢۪re good on a national level.
So to does St. Cloud State (yes, it̢۪s a real school, apparently) and a school out of Walla Walla, Wash., Whitman College. How can you take a school located in a town named after the witch doctor song (Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang, walla walla bing bang) seriously?
(On a side note, Whitman winning the ACP Best in Show award for best Web site is beyond highway robbery, but that̢۪s for another time. Seriously, check it out for compare and contrast purposes.)
Fresno State, at one time, was also among the nation̢۪s elite. Top 10 and top five finishes were routine on a national level, and helped spread the word of our good name. They even have a national title for a performance not too long before they were dropped. Fact of the matter is, these girls deserve to have this team. I know for a fact they worked hard and took it seriously. Not to mention there is very little equipment to buy.
You think it̢۪s a coincidence that attendance in the student section has taken a nosedive reminiscent of a ride on the Tower of Terror ride at Disneyland? Aside from entertaining basketball, tickets are free, they serve alcohol and they give away free things, yet red seats dominate the section. Bottom line, when the dance team was here, so to was the students. Coincidence? Probably, but it looks good for my argument.
The fact that the dance team is returning makes most of my ranting moot, but I think a refresher course on the absurdity of the absence of the dance team was absolutely necessary. So here is a note to precaution to the athletic department: just because a lady with a southern accent said, “is this a bawl game or a night club?â€Â once upon a time in regards to dance team routine doesn’t mean break out the axe.
I̢۪ll spare you any remaining thoughts I have on this whole debacle because, well, frankly, this blog is getting kind of long now. The bottom line is come March 8 (at 10 a.m. in the South Gym) the Fresno State dance team will start a new journey. They will perform as part of the marching band and miraculously increase male attendance at sporting events from anywhere between small amounts and leaps and bounds.
Sounds like I better brush up on my moves. I̢۪ve got some competition on the way.
Jesus C. • Mar 9, 2009 at 11:21 pm
It was a major error to disband the team in the first place. I remember attending games back in 2003 and 2004 and the dance team did indeed liven up the new arena. Good thing progress is being made. The minority of folks who might not enjoy the dance routines should not have their opinion trump the enthusiastic majority—–the same goes for society as a whole. Why does the vocal 5% have the ability to change things and overturn the 95% consensus of silent but satisfied majority????
Jesus C. • Mar 10, 2009 at 6:21 am
It was a major error to disband the team in the first place. I remember attending games back in 2003 and 2004 and the dance team did indeed liven up the new arena. Good thing progress is being made. The minority of folks who might not enjoy the dance routines should not have their opinion trump the enthusiastic majority—–the same goes for society as a whole. Why does the vocal 5% have the ability to change things and overturn the 95% consensus of silent but satisfied majority????