If you ask my boyfriend he will tell you that “relationships are 95 percent sex and 5 percent me putting up with your bullshit.”
Sunday morning, when he turned on the hockey game right after we woke up, I felt the scale tip. Sports on the TV, as soon as I crack my eyelids, exceeds the 5 percent margin instantly.
I still have to put up with his regular bull for the rest of the day. I already know he is not going to wash the cars until the game is over. I know the shelves are not going to be adjusted unless I cope with a pause every 30 seconds for him to look at the T.V.
Sports are slowly infiltrating my life through my boyfriend. He knows the players names and their positions. He cheers and boos while sitting on the edge of his seat. He loves it and I respect that.
I compromise, that is what relationships are about, right? So I attempt to enjoy sports and eventually come to appreciate hockey.
In this violent hockey world, I see a draw. I do not want the players to get hurt, but watching them fight is entertaining.
It is more entertaining than boxing. A brutally bloody fight to the finish, is just a bit too much. In hockey, there the bigger goal of scoring.
In basketball, if you get a foul you have to give the person a free shot. On the other hand, slamming each other into the wall in hockey will get you an encouraging yell.
The hockey forecheck is discussed in manners of style and effectiveness by the commentators. When the gloves hit the ice the camera focuses on the two (or more) men; the referees slowly skate at a safe distance.
They will let you fight. It’s about hits and misses. It is raw, it is rough and it has to be a bit satisfying. The sport had me stuck in mid bite at breakfast.
My boyfriend thanked me later for watching the game with him. He also reminded me of the game next Sunday. I think that when men find a way to combine two of their passions, they are overwhelmed with self-satisfaction and satisfaction in general.
For him, seeing me mesmerized by the sudden blows, the open ice checks and the pirouettes of punches was delightful. He kept commenting for the rest of the day about how much I had enjoyed the game.
Finding a way to like something you may have never even given a chance improves your relationship and gives you a glimpse into the passions of another. It may not always make sense, but I get the impression that men enjoy it when women, who are otherwise disinterested, bestow interest on their beloved sports.
Heather Billings • Mar 12, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Scout: I thought there was another comment on here yesterday, but I couldn’t have said for sure. To my knowledge, no one deleted it, but I’m not sure what else could have happened.
Heather Billings • Mar 12, 2009 at 8:53 pm
Scout: I thought there was another comment on here yesterday, but I couldn’t have said for sure. To my knowledge, no one deleted it, but I’m not sure what else could have happened.
Scout • Mar 12, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Hmm, could have sworn I left a comment on this story yesterday…
Scout • Mar 12, 2009 at 7:04 pm
Hmm, could have sworn I left a comment on this story yesterday…
How To Guides • Mar 11, 2009 at 10:12 pm
You would be surprised how attractive it is when women take interest in their boyfriend’s favorite sport. Both me and my girlfriend are monster Vancouver Canucks fans and watch just about every game on tv. Hell, she ordered the pay per view tonight against Anaheim and I wasn’t even around to watch it with her.
The funny thing about watching sports is the more you watch it, the more you want to watch it. Kind of like a drug… and on top of that, if you spend time doing/watching something you love, you will probably be able to persuade him to attempt to get into something you love too. So it is a win win for both parties.
How To Guides • Mar 12, 2009 at 5:12 am
You would be surprised how attractive it is when women take interest in their boyfriend’s favorite sport. Both me and my girlfriend are monster Vancouver Canucks fans and watch just about every game on tv. Hell, she ordered the pay per view tonight against Anaheim and I wasn’t even around to watch it with her.
The funny thing about watching sports is the more you watch it, the more you want to watch it. Kind of like a drug… and on top of that, if you spend time doing/watching something you love, you will probably be able to persuade him to attempt to get into something you love too. So it is a win win for both parties.