Thumbs down to the BCS, slutty muu-muus, Reese Witherspoon̢۪s acting career, Sarah Palin, mouth-breathers, Oscar de la Hoya and his faltering (faltered?) career, black Crocs with white socks, other colors of Crocs (with or without socks), skirt suits, Uggs with shorts, and skorts, and warts, and Port of Subs, when the power goes out and you have to reset all the clocks, power outages generally, Sean Hannity, Tyra Banks, Bill O̢۪Reilly, Oprah, Rush Limbaugh, Miley Cyrus and other baby prostitutes, Sarah Palin again, OJ Simpson, people who talk with dentures, Ian and Chrissy Johnson, Boise State̢۪s Smurf Turf, McCain for thinking he could win the women̢۪s vote by picking Sarah Palin as his VP candidate, Cindy McCain, being broke and still only getting paid once a month, people who don̢۪t throw away pens when they run out of ink, people with uncreative Halloween costumes, Saturday classes, reading out loud, using a different voice to read out loud, having other people read your stuff out loud, pickers and flickers, expensive drinks, annoying people in Christian Audigier shirts, meth, new cell phone laws, the fact that the Twilight craze just won̢۪t die, shoes with no tread on the bottom, Prop 8 and that asshat Sarah Palin.
“The One-Finger Saluteâ€Â is culled each week from discussions in The Collegian newsroom.