Blu-Ray is not going to win the war. Neither is HD DVD.
Wait, what?
You heard right. Neither format is going to win.
Here̢۪s the deal: Last month Warner Brothers chose to go exclusive in Blu-Ray. This has been viewed as a death blow to HD DVD.
As college students, why should you worry? Many of us can̢۪t afford an HDTV, much less a high-definition compatible player. Even more ridiculous is the price of the high-definition discs. I only ever buy previously viewed DVDs from Blockbuster when they are four for $20. So far, it̢۪s impossible to consistently buy a Blu-Ray or HD DVD disc for less than $20.
There are probably countless blogs on the interweb raving about each format. That̢۪s great. There̢۪s probably even more Web sites telling consumers to wait out the war. But hey, not everyone can wait. I can (and will), but some nerds have to bask in their HD nerd glory.
High definition is amazing. If you̢۪ve seen it, you know. The Discovery Channel and NFL football have never been so time-consuming. You can actually see the puck when watching hockey. I̢۪ll get down to it. If you have the pocket change to buy a high definition player, buy this one.
The concept is really quite simple. You go to the store, fork out five hours of a minimum-wage job salary for one high definition disc. You put it in a player that plays both formats. Then you pray that you have an HDTV. (You do. Hopefully a 1080p one.)
Then it doesn̢۪t really matter when Blu-Ray wins, because actually, you win.
Laser Disc • Feb 7, 2008 at 3:04 pm
if anyone is able to find this blog on teh webs and is only just now hearing about Hi-Def from here, then the consumer really is losing. how long have people been harping about hd everything? years. even homeless people know about their HD choices.
Laser Disc • Feb 7, 2008 at 10:04 pm
if anyone is able to find this blog on teh webs and is only just now hearing about Hi-Def from here, then the consumer really is losing. how long have people been harping about hd everything? years. even homeless people know about their HD choices.
VHS • Feb 7, 2008 at 2:03 pm
I believe that the point was that the consumer is the one that is losing. The idea wasn’t to tell who’s (blu vs hd) going to win or lose, but rather how the consumer can avoid the struggles and financial difficulties of choosing.
He says Blu-ray will win.
The first sentences are just to make us go “What? That makes no sense.” Then you read the rest of the blog.
VHS • Feb 7, 2008 at 9:03 pm
I believe that the point was that the consumer is the one that is losing. The idea wasn’t to tell who’s (blu vs hd) going to win or lose, but rather how the consumer can avoid the struggles and financial difficulties of choosing.
He says Blu-ray will win.
The first sentences are just to make us go “What? That makes no sense.” Then you read the rest of the blog.
BetaMax • Feb 7, 2008 at 12:07 am
In no part of this “blog” did you give your reasons why neither format will win. Both formats lose? Because there’s dual-format players? Aaaaaaaaaaaand…
BetaMax • Feb 6, 2008 at 5:07 pm
In no part of this “blog” did you give your reasons why neither format will win. Both formats lose? Because there’s dual-format players? Aaaaaaaaaaaand…
Bryan • Feb 6, 2008 at 3:12 pm
It’s all about the HVD, forget Blu-Ray and HD-DVD! Holographic Versatile Disc. Four terabytes of storage, and will likely be released in a consumer-friendly manner BEFORE the “format war” is decided. Watch out!
Bryan • Feb 6, 2008 at 10:12 pm
It’s all about the HVD, forget Blu-Ray and HD-DVD! Holographic Versatile Disc. Four terabytes of storage, and will likely be released in a consumer-friendly manner BEFORE the “format war” is decided. Watch out!