California’s presidential primaries will be held on Feb. 5 this year, “Super Tuesday,” along with 24 other states. Have you been following the primaries and caucuses that have occurred already? Do you plan on voting? If so, whom do you plan on voting for?
Be sure to read the print edition of next Friday̢۪s issue of The Collegian for featured comments.
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Alycia • Mar 12, 2008 at 10:16 am
What does everyone want in a President ? What do the people wish, pray, hope for in finding a leader for our country. The thing that we have all, for so many years, wished we could have back? A leader we believed in. A leader that we felt we could trust to make decisions based upon the best interest of “We The People”. I think the last President that existed in those terms must have been before I was born. What made our country great ? The fact that we believed. The people believed. The people were a powerful source and instead of making our government the brunt of our jokes, we believed and trusted in them. That trust has been so swept through each administration that the thought of an honest, good man or woman leading our country sounds incredibly naive. So sad. In our current race, I see the same evils running their course. I wanted so badly to see if a democratic administration would improve things for us yet I see now that NEITHER canidate is concerned about what is best for our country. Their only concern is with winning. If they truly believed what they are preaching in their campaign, Hillary and Obama would stand up and make a decision that is best for the country instead of for themselves by joining forces and seeing what they BOTH can contribute to this country. Unfortunately, they have proved to both be just self absorbed power hungry indivduals as with our past leaders. Where is a good and honest patriot when you need one ? Why is it so hard to find someone to run our country that believes in their heart in what this country means ? I say… show your hearts. If you believe in our country, come together and PROVE it by stepping down and leading the democratic party to a victory.
Alycia • Mar 12, 2008 at 5:16 pm
What does everyone want in a President ? What do the people wish, pray, hope for in finding a leader for our country. The thing that we have all, for so many years, wished we could have back? A leader we believed in. A leader that we felt we could trust to make decisions based upon the best interest of “We The People”. I think the last President that existed in those terms must have been before I was born. What made our country great ? The fact that we believed. The people believed. The people were a powerful source and instead of making our government the brunt of our jokes, we believed and trusted in them. That trust has been so swept through each administration that the thought of an honest, good man or woman leading our country sounds incredibly naive. So sad. In our current race, I see the same evils running their course. I wanted so badly to see if a democratic administration would improve things for us yet I see now that NEITHER canidate is concerned about what is best for our country. Their only concern is with winning. If they truly believed what they are preaching in their campaign, Hillary and Obama would stand up and make a decision that is best for the country instead of for themselves by joining forces and seeing what they BOTH can contribute to this country. Unfortunately, they have proved to both be just self absorbed power hungry indivduals as with our past leaders. Where is a good and honest patriot when you need one ? Why is it so hard to find someone to run our country that believes in their heart in what this country means ? I say… show your hearts. If you believe in our country, come together and PROVE it by stepping down and leading the democratic party to a victory.
Tiny • Jan 30, 2008 at 11:03 pm
In the words of both Barack Obama and John Edwards: !Si, se puede!—–true, mind you—–nuff said….yuck.
Tiny • Jan 31, 2008 at 6:03 am
In the words of both Barack Obama and John Edwards: !Si, se puede!—–true, mind you—–nuff said….yuck.
Whatever • Jan 29, 2008 at 11:26 am
I’m with Roscoe. Powerful people seeking more power and spending millions of dollars to make you think you should grant them power is all kind of hard to swallow.
Whatever • Jan 29, 2008 at 6:26 pm
I’m with Roscoe. Powerful people seeking more power and spending millions of dollars to make you think you should grant them power is all kind of hard to swallow.
Roscoe Jenkins • Jan 26, 2008 at 6:46 pm
A bunch of Ivy League elites who want my vote? My opinion is of great distaste for the whole darn process.
Roscoe Jenkins • Jan 27, 2008 at 1:46 am
A bunch of Ivy League elites who want my vote? My opinion is of great distaste for the whole darn process.
Norbit • Jan 25, 2008 at 10:32 pm
Any step that can be taken to eliminate this threat to free and fair elections should be taken.
Norbit • Jan 26, 2008 at 5:32 am
Any step that can be taken to eliminate this threat to free and fair elections should be taken.
clickity clack • Jan 25, 2008 at 11:19 pm
Ron Paul!
clickity clack • Jan 25, 2008 at 4:19 pm
Ron Paul!
Salvador Gholley • Jan 25, 2008 at 2:20 pm
Undemocratic garbage!
Salvador Gholley • Jan 25, 2008 at 9:20 pm
Undemocratic garbage!