This week, students can vote in Associated Students elections. Election Commissioner Kuyler Crocker, who helps plan the logistics for each election, said he wants to make voting as easy as possible for Fresno State students.
Four polling places will be available to the students, Crocker said. The locations are the South Gym, University Student Union lobby, Satellite Student Union and Joyal Administration building.
“There will be signs outside to direct people in so there’ll be no confusion,� Crocker said.
The polls will be open from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday.
Students voting must show their student ID cards and sign in to pick up a ballot. Crocker said this system cuts down the potential for fraud because the KeyCard office̢۪s computer database will identify each voter and allow each person to vote only once.
He also said the League of Women Voters, which is respected for its political neutrality, will be conducting the election. Allowing AS to conduct the election would open the student government up to charges of bias, Crocker said. “We don’t even touch the ballots,� he said.
All students are eligible to vote for those running for the positions of executive officers and senators-at-large, as well as any initiatives on the ballot.
In this election, students will be voting on one initiative, which is an update to the AS Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Trustees requires the update. The initiative will request student support of the update to the Articles of Incorporation as mandated by the chancellor̢۪s office.
This change regards where the assets of Associated Students would go if AS was dissolved.
The revision would give the Board of Trustees the authority to determine where the money and assets of the corporation went.
This change applies to all auxiliary corporations of the CSU System, but because this is a student organization, the student body must approve the change. However, if the students vote not to approve the change, the Board of Trustees does have the power to override the vote.
But the choice of senators to represent specific colleges will be limited based on the student̢۪s major, Crocker said. For example, a history major can only vote for a senator for the College of Social Science.
But this year, very few races are being contested, and three senate positions have no candidate on the ballot at all. Those interested in being a write-in candidate for any of the positions have until 12 p.m. Monday to fill out an agreement form and turn it in to the AS office on the second floor of the University Student Union.
Despite the limited number of competitive races, Crocker encouraged all students to come out to the polls and vote.
“Your student fees are at work here,� Crocker said. “They [AS] are determining hundreds of thousands of dollars in spending decisions. In some circumstances, this may be more important than voting for president of the United States.�