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The Collegian

4/16/04 • Vol. 128, No. 32

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Despite insurgencies, Iraqi war still justified

Letters to the Editor

Despite insurgencies, Iraqi war still justified

With the fall of Baghdad, the official end of the war in Iraq and the capture of Saddam Hussein came the rebuilding of Iraq’s infrastructure and the long-awaited foreign aid that was prevented by U.N. sanctions that withheld aid to Iraq while Saddam was in power.More>>


Letters to the editor

No double standards of hate speak

Throughout my college career at Fresno State I have often looked forward to reading The Collegian—until now. I was dismayed and disappointed at the hate speak in the article, “Attacks on gay marriage flimsy” (March 29). Obviously, the author of the article is liberal minded, exuding flagrant delicto in his views of our president. He wrote, “thrillingly attractive to the kind of Democrats who hate George W. Bush.” Hate? This sounds like Ku Klux Klan language.More>>


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