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The Collegian

3/19/04• Vol. 128, No. 24

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Spain attack shows war was ineffective

Letters to the editor

Spain attack shows war was ineffective

Spain’s support of the Iraq War didn’t protect it from international terrorism. Why should anyone believe that regime change in Baghdad has made any other nation safer? The March 11 attack is the starkest proof yet that the so-called Bush Doctrine—concocted to justify the invasion of Iraq—has precious little to do with the worldwide campaign against organized terrorism.More>>

Letters to the editor

Beware of political amnesia

Mr. Geist and Mr. Garza are completely right (March 15). It is inexcusable for a president to damage U.N. relations by ignoring Security Council wishes and insisting on the right for unilateral action. It is terrible for a senator to go on national TV and accuse Russia and France of having no backbone, and use the show as a platform to insist to the world that the United States has the right to do whatever it wishes in Iraq, regardless of the U.N. Security Council.More>>