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The Collegian

3/17/04• Vol. 128, No. 23

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Stand with candidate who will stand for peace

Atkins holds little weight in larger health scheme


Stand with candidate who will stand for peace

I have only recently been able to fully comprehend the implications of war. It is unfathomable the sacrifices soldiers and their families have made in order to allow me to continue the American way of life. I do not have words to express the veneration I hold for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.More>>


Atkins holds little weight in larger health scheme

On the official Atkins Web site, low-carbohydrate desserts beckon alluringly. Atkins-approved chocolate tortes, brownies and cakes invite you to indulge, guilt-free. The message is clear: You can eat foods high in fat and calories, and still lose weight.More>>