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The Collegian

3/8/03 • Vol. 128, No. 19

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U.S. involvement in Haiti unethical

McDonald's finally facing the fat and shaping up

U.S. involvement in Haiti unethical

In a Congressional hearing March 3, Asst. Sec. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Roger Noriega admitted that immediately prior to his departure, Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was told the United States would not provide him with protection from rebel forces publicly threatening his execution.More>>


McDonald's finally facing the fat and shaping up

Despite what some cynics may say, last Tuesday’s decision by McDonald’s to phase out Supersizing isn’t just another empty-calorie advertising gimmick. Even dietitians and other health advocates, who by nature are skeptical of the fast-food industry, admit that this move can help in the battle against obesity.More>>