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The Collegian

01/30/04• Vol. 128, No. 4

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Report says textbook are a rip-off

CSU chancellor paints bleak budget picture

University's wireless systems streamline into one network

Fresno State begins search for new provost

Report says textbook are a rip-off
Advocacy group finds that students spend about $900 anually on textbooks. More>>

University's wireless systems streamline into one network The library will offer 50 new Dell laptop computers for library use as of Monday, Feb. 2. Each computer will have complete wireless access and full access to Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and PowerPoint. More>>

CSU chancellor paints bleak budget picture
Chancellor Charles Reed has some bad news for students throughout the California State University system—things are about to get worse. More>>

Fresno State begins search for new provost
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will be in charge of operating the university’s academic affairs, directing resources and personnel and providing leadership.More>>