Tribune News Service
Random Fresno State students were asked about their opinion on the importance of voting during ASI elections on Tuesday, April 2.
Out of the 30 students asked, only 4 were well-informed about when elections would be (April 9-11) and felt confident answering the questions regarding what they looked for from student government and why their vote matters on campus.
Find out what they said below and keep an eye out for Collegian reporters looking for students to ask the next question soon.

“I think it is important to vote. I mean, I do attend school here, obviously, and I think it’s important to have a say in what goes on, not to mention even though I am a senior and leaving, it’s still nice to leave something for the next generation.”
— Zoë Marroquin, speech language pathology major“Voting is the only way you really get a partial say in what goes on at the school, and a lot of change has happened so you might as well do something with it.”
— Nathanael Torres, civil engineering major“[I want ASI to] kind of focus on ideas students [want] and also a facility because I’m a history major so the social science building is kind of run down and old, and if anybody can do anything about that it would be greatly appreciated.
— Mason West, history major“I’m looking for someone that’s currently involved in the campus. [For me,] diversity would probably play a big part, mostly because I feel like we need more diverse people in the office. Also, [we need] someone that is thinking about our campus [and] not only thinking about the role. So someone that wants to help the students, not just want the title.”
— Fernando Garcia, agriculture education major