(Andrea Marin Contreras/ The Collegian)
In 2018, Fresno State President Dr. Joseph I. Castro asked faculty, staff and administrators to offer their Bold Ideas to improve services at the university.
The idea of establishing The Graduate School as a ninth college on campus was one of the winners.
The Creativity And Innovation For Effectiveness (CAIFE) committee is currently working on this project which consists of four main points: building a stronger community among graduate students, maximizing research opportunities, streamlining processes and elevating the profile of graduate students and their research, according to Chuck Radke, thesis consultant in the division of research and graduate studies.
“The staff is already here. The students are already here, but the recognition for it is not,” Radke said.
With this project, the CAIFE team hopes that the work of graduate students will receive greater attention from the Valley’s industries and donors.
A ninth college on campus will not require the construction of an extra building nor the hiring of new staff. The Division of Research and Graduate Studies will continue to be located on the Frank W. Thomas building.
On March 13, Associated Students, Inc (ASI) passed a resolution supporting the creation of The Graduate School.
The goal of this graduate school is to have more transparency and fewer issues for graduate students, according to ASI senator of parking and safety Christopher Rodriguez.
Additionally, this project could “enhance student experience and institutionalize graduate programs,” said senator of the Kremen School of Education Alexandra Chavez.
Currently, the Graduate Statistics Studio, which has been part of Fresno State for five years, is not institutionalized. It operates on a federal grant which ends on Sept. 30.
CAIFE hopes to institutionalize the Graduate Statistics Studio by having it under state funding. This studio provides research and statistical consulting to graduate students.
ASI supports CAIFE and hopes that future ASI officers create a senator for graduate school position. If created, only graduate students will be able to run for the position and only graduate students could vote for the position’s candidates.
James O’Bannon, a third-year graduate student on the MFA Creative Writing program, said that a graduate school could “help things feel more connected.”
CAIFE plans to pitch the idea of The Graduate School on May 13 to President Castro’s Cabinet.