Sitting in a room filled with their peers and competitors, five Collegian editors accepted 18 awards on behalf of the student-run newspaper Saturday in San Francisco for the 2017 California College Media Association (CCMA) awards.
Student journalists from community college, California State University and University of California newspapers went head-to-head in the annual Excellence in Student Media competition for a chance to be the top in their respective divisions. The Collegian competed in Division A, which was comprised of all university campuses with a student population of 10,000 or more. Division B includes university campuses with a student population of less than 10,000 and Division C, being community colleges.
A total of 37association schools submitted 1,138 entries in the contest, which covered journalism and advertising produced in 2016. The entries were judged by professionalsfrom across the country
The Collegian was notified the organization placed in 17 categories the week before the ceremony. When the team began receiving the awards at the banquet Saturday evening, they were surprised with an unexpected award, bringing the total number to 18.
“This year we did exceptionally well. When my team found out about the nominations you could visually see how proud they were for their work,” Editor-in-Chief Diana Giraldo said. “Each and every one of them spends countless hours in thinking of new and creative ways to showcase stories, whether it is through words, pictures, videos or graphics.”
Managing editor Cresencio Rodriguez, news editor Chueyee Yang, assistant news editor Daniel Gligich, design editor Juan Alvarez and Giraldo attended the CCMA awards.
“We dedicate our time, creativity and motivation into our organization because we genuinely love bringing the students information about things that directly impact their lives,” Giraldo said. “From editorial to our art and advertising staff, they are each a piece of what makes this award winning puzzle — The Collegian.”
The 18 total awards include:
1st Place
Best Sales Promotional Material (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017 Advertising Media Kit)
The Collegian
Best Headline Portfolio
Jenna Wilson
Best Newspaper Inside Page/ Spread Design
Juan Alvarez
Best Online Ad
Beth Izard
Best Black and White Advertisement
Kong Thao
Best Feature Photography
Khone Saysamongdy
Best Sports Photograph
Christian Ortuno
Best Audio Slideshow
Jessica Johnson
BestAdvertising Special Section
Darlene Wendels, Khlarissa Agee, Beth Izard
Best Color Advertisement (Recruitment Ad)
The Collegian
3rd place
Best Blog
Hayley Salazar
BestNews Video
Troy Pope
Best Use of Social Media
Jessica Johnson, Diana Giraldo
Best Infographic
Juan Alvarez, Jenna Wilson
Honorable Mention
Best Arts and Entertainment Story
Hayley Salazar, Francisco J. De Leon
Best Podcast
David Chavez
Best News Series
Jenna Wilson, Daniel Gligich
Best Breaking News Story
Diana Giraldo