Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS
Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
To some, Trump seemed like the obvious choice. To others, it is nothing but a sign of the times, indicating that the end is near.
But a feeling that conservative and liberal voters can agree with is that of uncertainty — what exactly is Donald Trump’s plan now that he’s president? He’s been loud and proud of his plans to do great things but never elaborated on how these plans would be executed or even what his plans were.
However, some attribute his success as a candidate to his shameless and outspoken nature, with his supporters finding security in the way he spoke his mind and raised the middle finger to political correctness.
Repealing Obamacare was one of the few decisions voters were sure of and one of his first acts as president was signing a bill to begin the process. However, though he is planning on repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act, he has promised to replace it with another accessible form of healthcare.
It could be agreed that universal healthcare doesn’t fit within the beliefs of most conservative Republicans, so it’s brave of Trump to go against the belief of his own political party.
Trump has not always had the best relationship with the press. But he has always loved the camera, offering the masses vague details of his thoughts and beliefs on social and political issues. Throughout his campaign trail voters heard Trump flip-flop and constantly back-track on many of the beliefs he stood for, but Trump’s long-running relationship with TV and radio interviews gives voters a history of foot-in-mouth moments dating all the way back to the late-90’s.
In an Oct. 1999 interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he stated that the Republican party was “just too crazy.” The same month, he informed NBC News that he was pro-choice. However, he ran a conservative pro-life campaign in 2016, going so far at one point as to say that women should receive some form of punishment for receiving an abortion.
On the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, in an interview with radio personality Howard Stern he stated that he was in favor of the invasion of Iraq. During his campaign his position was against the invasion.
Last February, in a GOP debate Trump belittled and lectured former Mexican president Vicente Fox’s lack of professionalism after using inappropriate language during a television interview in regards to the proposed wall along the Mexican border. There is video of Trump on the campaign trail using the same language he shamed former-President Fox for using.
In a 2008 CNN interview, he called the impeachment of Bill Clinton “nonsense,” but spent the majority of his campaign using former President Clinton’s impeachment as fuel in the fire against democrat Hillary Clinton. He used the impeachment as a means to allege that neither Clinton is trustworthy.
In addition to past verbal slip-ups, inauguration weekend was also met with conflicting facts and contradictory statements by both Trump and his cabinet. White House press secretary Sean Spicer stated that Trump’s inauguration audience was the largest to date. There’s no substantial evidence to support that claim. Trump himself said that the crowd reached all the way back to the Washington Monument, when aerial photos show otherwise.
When Spicer went under fire for his mistruths, Trump’s counselor and campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway went on to say that the press secretary had simply offered “alternative facts.”
“Alternative facts” have another name. They’re called lies.
It seems as though Trump has adopted a familiar Vladimir Lenin quote as his mantra, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
He has won over supporters with his outspoken charisma, and he’s been so busy diverting the public’s attention with Twitter rant after Twitter rant, that very few have stopped to ask questions about his actual policy.
Keep in mind that Trump is, at heart, a businessman. He’ll harp on and on when need be, but knows when to change the public’s attention to something else.
So what do we do? We’ve just sworn in a Commander-in-Chief whose position changes more frequently than anyone can be comfortable with. The White House spokesman has now coined a phrase that’s shorthand for lies.
What made Trump so endearing to voters was his boisterous nature. His fearlessness kept him from filtering himself and won over the hearts and minds of the Republican party, or the “silent majority.” However, his inconsistency is unsettling.
We’ve let this man bully and lie his way into office, so where do we go from here?
We buckle down by demanding change and progress, and move forward while hoping “alternative facts” don’t run our country into the ground.
As Barack Obama said in his first speech as a former-president, “This is not a period, this is a comma in the continuing story of building America.” This country is a work in progress and it’s clear that our president and all of his plans are as well.