Learn how to take a joke
I am writing in response to Bree Nasti’s “Letter to the Editor” regarding The Collegian’s April Fools’ edition of the paper. The paper was a simple April Fools’ joke; it was not to be taken seriously. It’s getting really old hearing about the complaints from people who cannot take a joke. If you cannot have fun on this non-holiday, holiday then do not criticize those who do enjoy it.
Attacking the writers of The Collegian is wrong. They were not out to offend anybody nor were they trying to piss people off. This edition of the paper was all fun and games. The paper was in no form of correct AP style, so I am sure they do not think of the paper as being real journalism. The writers of The Collegian do a wonderful job and did a wonderful job for the April Fools’ edition. I personally enjoyed it as it was nice to see a school affiliated organization contributing to the holiday spirit.
”” Elisa Ferrendelli
Agriculture Communications
Spring Break is offensive
Why is it that nearly every university throughout this state has held their spring break already? It seems, when attempting to plan with friends at other CSU and UC schools, that half of them had their spring break the second week of March, and the other half on the third week of March. Interestingly enough, spring officially starts March 20, or about the second/third week of March. Yet, here at Fresno State, the week designated for “spring break” is different every year to be held the week prior to Easter. I am a proud Christian, but I am sick of Fresno State’s too-scared-to-take-a-side attitude toward “spring break.” Fresno State feels that if they call it Easter break, it will be offensive to students who are not Christians. However, changing the time of “spring break” to always be the week prior to Easter and not calling the break Easter break is offensive to students who are Christians. If Fresno State’s administration wants to get away from the “politically incorrect rhetoric,” designate a week in March as spring break and stick to it each year. Then, if spring break happens to fall the week before or after Easter, it is simply a coincidence. Calling Easter break “spring break” is offensive to me and all other Christian students I have talked to about this subject. Fresno State administration, wise up and call it what it is, or change the timing of spring break and end your hypocrisy.
”” Daniel J. Harrison
Political Science, Economics, Philosophy