Pedro Ramirez, Fresno State’s infamous Associated Students, Inc. president, should resign from his post, and let President-elect Selena Farnesi, the current executive vice president, get a head start on the job.
Ramirez has lost the ability to effectively govern ASI and has split the student body into two factions: one Pro-Pedro, the other anti-Pedro.
On Nov. 16, 2010, after six months in office, The Collegian revealed that Ramirez was an undocumented immigrant. As an AB 540 student, Ramirez had the right to run for office and has the right to be ASI president. The Collegian is not questioning that right. Every student enrolled at Fresno State should be eligible to represent the students in ASI.
We don’t question this. What we question is his effectiveness since the revelation of his immigration status.
In the ensuing circus, it has seemed like Ramirez has focused more on advocating for immigration legislation, like the DREAM Act, rather than furthering Fresno State student interests.
Ramirez broke the law when he drove without a license,violating ASI’s Code of Conduct in the process. He is currently being investigated by the senate’s Personnel Committee.
In addition, according to Article III, Section 7.2.1 of ASI’s bylaws, if an executive officer misses three ASI meetings. Ramirez, in dealing with everything he’s had to go through, has missed at least three.
Ramirez seems like a good guy, and he is certainly a hero to many. It was no fault of his own that he was brought to America at the age of 3.
His tenure, however, has been mired by controversy.
His failure to disclose his immigration status opened the door for a scandal like this, and his claim that he did not drive was a blatant lie.
Ramirez is too much of a distraction. He should step down so that ASI can get back to focusing on student issues.
Farnesi’s election has opened the door for Ramirez to resign gracefully. She’ll be able to start early, and Ramirez will be able to leave all the controversy behind him and have a normal life again. The students will also benefit ”” things will get back to normal.
This is the best thing for everyone involved. Mr. Ramirez, it’s time for you to resign.