Wrong view of Tea Party
The problem with people in America today is that they view one side of the issue, not all sides. In her story covering the DREAM Act Rally, online writer Danielle Gillbert called the Tea Party “anti-government.”
The Tea Party is not anti-government. It is composed of people who are tired of government not listening to the people who elected them as their representatives. It is a party that is for LESS government, not MORE government. It is a party for LESS spending and not MORE spending. It is a party that thinks government is getting too involved in stripping away the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, whittling away at it little by little.
The government thinks it has to hold our hands and treat the American people as little children, as if we can’t think or act as responsible citizens anymore. This was never the intent of our founders. Americans are freedom-loving people and have brains (well, at least most of them) and it is insulting to have the government run every little piece of our lives. It was never this way in the past and it should not be this way in the future. People in this country can, and need to, help themselves as much as possible before any government agency steps in their lives.
Does Danielle read the bills when they are submitted? If not, I would suggest she do that. She might learn some very disappointing facts about some of these bills they try to force down our throats including the Health Care Act, which has some good parts, but most of the 2500-something pages, which I read, include earmarks that have no place in a health care bill and there is no tort reform, which was necessary for this package to really do its job.
Sharon Freeman