Sidewalks are hazardous
Every aspect of Fresno State has met my own personal criteria except one. The sidewalks here at Fresno State have been poorly managed and have caused multiple accidents for students who choose to use alternate methods of transportation around campus in order to arrive to their classes on time.
Walking around campus is dangerous with many broken and raised areas of concrete. Apparently this has been going on long time. I spoke to some older college students who have been at Fresno State for more than three years; they all had their own recollections about the poor maintenance of the concrete sidewalks and crosswalks.
An everyday sidewalk as a danger zone for students is no a way to maintain a California State University.
I, along with many other students, propose that a portion of the cost of the campus parking pass go toward the maintenance of sidewalks and crosswalks.
The pass costs well over $50 per semester and if a percentage of that was used to maintain the safety of students, our campus would be safer to both walk and ride on. If for example, 5 percent of the cost of the campus-parking pass went toward this issue, thousands of dollars can be used to repair sidewalks and help the students stay safe and healthy so they can continue their studies.
Alyssa Smith
History, Economics
Child obesity must end
Child obesity causes unhealthy futures for children and increases their chances, as they get older, of getting serious diseases and illnesses.
Child obesity will also likely end up as adult obesity, so why not stop our future generation from becoming obese and unhealthy? I believe that if we can keep children from becoming obese, it will greatly decrease the amount of adults who are obese.
Children should be put into some type of after school exercise program. Whether it is sports or some other type of physical activity, children need to get used to exercise and fitness while they are young. I don’t want our nation to become more unfit than it already is.
We, as a community, need to take a closer look at child obesity and help decrease the number of obese children. I believe some type of daily physical activity, as well as learning healthy diets, will help decrease the amount of child obesity in this country.
The Boys and Girls club is an excellent program that helps address the problem of child obesity. There are often games and activities that get the kids running around and moving. The club an excellent program that helps address child obesity. I encourage other students to volunteer at the Boys and Girls club. Volunteering in similar programs will benefit the children, and also help decrease child obesity.
Alejandro Lara
Questions important for roommate matchup
As a freshman coming into Fresno State, what worried me most was my roommate. I wondered what she would be like and what she would think of me as well.
How does our university pick out who we live with? These are the people we will be living with for a whole year and usually the first people we live with other then our own parents.
When applying for a roommate, we are only asked what times we go to bed and how clean we are.
This is how we are put together? It is madness!
Me and my roommate could not be any more different. She stays up very late has little regard for rules. She does not seem to care if she can see her floor or bed or desk. Is it that she lied on her questions or that the school is doing a study on how opposites attract?
My story is not the only of this kind. Many of my friends are having trouble with their roommates as well.
It is hard to be angry with the results of a system that seem flawed in the first place, but I think these situations could have been completely avoided if only the university asked more in-depth questions.