Matt Weir/ The Collegian
Click here for video coverage of the rally.
Update, 1:07 p.m.
Associated Student, Inc. President Pedro Ramirez took the stand.

Matt Weir/ The Collegian
Right now faculty and staff members, community members and Centro Binacional de Indigenas Oaxaquenos are rallying in support of the DREAM Act.
Raul Moreno, coordinator of the University Migrant Services said, “I love them, I admire them.” He encouraged students to be in the public service. “Right now it is time to create change, change is not going to come alone.”
Dr. Welty talked about the American dream and the DREAM Act while on stage. He gives his support to the DREAM Act, and encourages people to reach out and call their representatives to support the Dream Act.
“It time for Fresno state to lead the way” Dr. Welty said, “it’s time to pass the dream act.”
President Welty was chanting in support of the DREAM Act along with rally members. “Tell me how the students look like and how democracy looks like,” the chant said.
A student said, “I grew up in America. I feel American, and I am American.” The student says that when someone says they don’t belong here it breaks his heart.

Matt Weir/ The Collegian
Update, 11:30 a.m.
At 11:30 a.m. the Tea Party, an anti big-government, grassroots political movement, has arrived on campus in protest of the DREAM Act rally in the Peace Garden.
The Brown Berets, a Latino defense force for liberation, has also stepped foot on campus. It supports the bipartisan legislation.
Before the rally began, Fresno State senior Neil O’Brien spoke out against Associated Student, Inc. President Pedro Ramirez. O’Brien stated why he was against the DREAM Act, as well as why he believes Ramirez should step down.
Fresno State senior Adriana Sanchez opened the DREAM Act rally.
“I am undocumented and I am not afraid,” Sanchez said to The Collegian.
Sanchez said the purpose of today’s event is to learn more about the DREAM Act and AB 540 and to share the stories from AB 540 students in order to make the DREAM Act a reality.
For more information visit “2010 DREAM ACT NOW! Rally”
Check back at The Collegian Online as details emerge.