Does anyone proofread?
I was embarrassed on Monday, Aug. 30th to see in your newspaper several spelling errors.
In the “One-Finger Salute” section on page 2, villain was spelled incorrectly as “villan.” This would’ve been excusable, but…
More significantly, in the chart on what affects students’ academic performance on page 4, in big bold letters in the title of the chart was “Acedemic”””I’m assuming this was supposed to be “Academic”? Even continuing at the bottom of the chart, the writer continues to spell survey as “servey” and randomly as “randonly.”
Did no one decide to proofread this issue of The Collegian? It was pretty embarrassing as a student about to graduate from this university in the Spring 2011 that even the school collegiate newspaper cannot spell ACADEMIC correctly. The irony is extremely prominent here. I understand everyone makes mistakes, but four in one issue””three in one chart? Please, take the time to recognize your flaws before you print them for the whole study body to see.
-Kelly Williams
Thumbs Up to Kennel Bookstore
Thumbs up to the Kennel Bookstore management staff who work diligently with others on campus to find alternate ways to reduce the cost of textbooks. They are a business, but are one of the few CSU campus bookstores which have launched and encouraged the “rent-a-book” option for students. It is not a money-maker. They also sell e-books as an alternative and are key sponsors of the “Petting Zoo” scheduled for September 15-16, 10am””2pm on the second floor of the library. This is a great opportunity to see alternatives to the traditional textbook. Way to go Kennel!
For more information on the Petting Zoo, contact Dean of Graduates Karen Carey. This hands-on tech event is a must-see.
-Janice Brown
Director, Services for Students with Disabilities