In the spirit of Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) elections this week, The Collegian held its own vote, to determine whom we, as a whole, would endorse on this year’s ballot. The Collegian also held a vote to decide whether we support the referendum regarding potential pay for ASI senators.
The Collegian focused on the two races concerning ASI executive positions, President and Vice President of Finance, since these are seen as holding the most influence on campus and are held to a higher level of responsibility. Ten Collegian staffers participated in the vote and after all votes were tallied, we are proud to announce the candidates we are endorsing for each position.
In a very tight race, current Executive Vice President of ASI, Jessica Sweeten, was chosen for The Collegian’s official endorsement for the position of ASI president. Out of 10 possible votes, Sweeten earned six.
The Collegian feels that in order to establish and promote a higher level of credibility given to ASI and its officers, it is important to give those with experience and appropriate goals for the office, the necessary time to expand their influence on campus and thereby increase the benefits their office can provide to students.
As someone knowledgeable of the procedures and possible influence of the organization, as well as the controversies surrounding ASI, we believe Sweeten has the knowledge and abilities necessary to officiate as the president of the student government.
However, if elected, it is crucial that Sweeten completely removes herself from any questionable practices, similar to those that have plagued ASI in the recent past, so as the credibility of the organization is not further diminished, but is actually taken as a vital part of our campus. In order for Sweeten’s goals to be feasible, it is important that integrity, transparency and clarity remain at the forefront of the administration and organization.
The race was very clear cut for the VP of Finance position. With eight of the 10 votes, current VP of Finance, Lauren Johnson was selected for The Collegian’s official endorsement.
To us, Johnson has the experience and knowledge needed for this challenging position that is in charge of the management of student funds. Currently, Johnson is adequately performing her duties, by properly allotting funds to organizations that benefit our campus and students. Having knowledge of ASI’s pitfalls, Johnson has the potential to efficiently evade them and further work toward students’ interests.
The decision regarding the referendum was very close. Most of the staff seemed divided on potentially making senator positions paid. In the end, The Collegian is in favor, with a 6-4 vote.
Being a position that requires commitment, time and hard work in lobbying for their set colleges, the request to grant stipends to senators is warranted. If we expect quality leadership, we should be willing to compensate those in office for their time.
We believe granting a compensation will promote an increased sense of responsibility and commitment as well as attract top students for the positions. Creating stipend positions enables the student body to hold ASI senators to a superior level of service and work.
With our decisions made, we urge students themselves to do some research and cast a vote this week. Elections begin tomorrow and close Thursday at noon. It is time to get your voices heard!