‘Bureaucratic advising system’ makes enrolling difficult
I was determined to get my schedule set up for the Spring semester, but I ran into several problems registering. It was neither the schedule book nor my registering time, but the overwhelming design of the bureaucratic advising system here on campus that was more troubling than ever.
You meet with your academic advisor who only guides you with General Education courses, but then when you meet with your major adviser, they are not aware of G.E. requirements.
How can you plan your schedule with different inputs suggested?
This bureaucratic advising system is way too complicated.There should only be one adviser that can answer both G.E. and major requirements.
Other universities provide services where students only have one adviser. Why not here?
This is discouraging for students.
I had to make two separate appointments on two separate days to only find myself in a deep hole. I was more confused after seeing two different advisers and highly discouraged to return.
If this campus wants to continue promoting and improving academic achievements of students, they must fix the bureaucratic advising system here on campus.
Rebeka O. Garcia
Pre-Physical Therapy
Students urged to offer help to charities during holiday season
As we approach the holiday season, I dearly hope that everyone thinks of all those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Around 21 percent of Fresno’s denizens live in extreme poverty — that’s one out of five people who probably can’t afford a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
This statistic is an abomination to our community. Consider this, and consider helping the situation.
Instead of just lounging around in anticipation of ridiculous amounts of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and gifts from your rich Uncle Bob, try volunteering your able labor at the Bulldog Pantry, Poverello House, the Community Food Bank and other such establishments.
The Bulldog Pantry is located on Shaw and Jackson, across the street from the University Health Center — easily accessible for students and faculty.
If you are unable to physically lend a hand, a simple donation, however small, can make a vast difference. Another great reference point to start with is www.volunteermatch.org/search, where you can search for places at which to volunteer, maybe finding another cause you̢۪d like to champion.
Knowing that you̢۪ve helped decrease the destitution of this city is one of the best things you can give thanks for.
Give someone the comfort of knowing that there are still people who care about the welfare of the homeless and impoverished. Give a little of what every person wants and a lot of people take for granted, the best gift a person can receive during the holidays — love.
Jacqueline Aldern
Studio Art
Price of textbooks too large a burden for average students
Aside from the cost of tuition and housing, students like myself are now being forced to pay up to $1,000 a year on textbooks.
I̢۪ve tried sharing books with classmates or not buying the books at all, but both these options make it harder to succeed in my classes.
As a student taking an average of 18 units a semester, I find myself spending close to $500 on books alone, sometimes in vain when I find that teachers don‘t even use some of the books required for the class.
I try to purchase books online at cheaper prices, but most teachers require the newest editions, (which in my opinion are only made to help book sales) not to mention the fact that when a new edition comes out, selling your book back to the school is useless.
Most students only receive about one-fifth of their money back and end up with books they don̢۪t want.
The book store should develop a way to rent books to students at cheaper prices, and charge for damages or lost books.
It would also be helpful if the majority of textbooks could be found in the library, even if you can̢۪t rent them out.
As a student I want to stick to sources like half.com simply to not be participating in this monopoly of book sales.
Dayna Waterworth
Pre-Occupational Therapy Major
Construction near major campus intersection an ‘annoyance’
The construction on the corner of Cedar and Shaw has become extremely bothersome.
I live in Graves Hall, so I am constantly driving by Cedar and Shaw. The construction just congests everything and causes driving to last much longer than it should. While construction is going, there is either only one lane or no left or right turns. This forces drivers to locate detours and find their way around the construction.
I do realize that the school is just trying to improve the roads by our school, but why couldn̢۪t this construction be done over the summer where it would not cause so much annoyance?
It just doesn̢۪t seem like this construction plan was given much thought.
Robert Delmanowski
Title IX places ‘unnecessary burdens’ on athletic departments
As students, we must grapple with raising tuition and other student fees at Fresno State as the university tries to adjust to a shrinking budget.
The addition of a lacrosse program to the athletic department increases expenditures when less funding is available to the school, all in the name of gender equality. Despite its noble purpose, Title IX is placing unnecessary burdens on universities across the nation, including Fresno State, in its call for compliance in establishing an environment of gender equality.
In order to offset the costs of football, common men’s sports, like soccer and wrestling, have been cut while women’s sports that have no roots in the Valley, like lacrosse, have been added. There is a certain irony in the fact that Title IX is responsible for men’s exclusion from soccer, swimming and diving at Fresno State — all of which have women’s programs — in its promotion of gender equality.
Fresno State’s baseball and softball teams — each with a national championship — are highly esteemed, as well as the men’s and women’s basketball teams for their NCAA tournament appearances. The issue at Fresno State is not the need to create more opportunities for women (often achieved at the expense of men’s sports), but to ensure equality among all programs, regardless of gender.
All athletic programs at Fresno State should receive the same treatment, attention and support from the university, from the football program to the lacrosse team.
Samantha Peel
Californians should watch courts’ ‘Judicial strong-arming’
Fellow Americans, arise from your snoozing! We may soon see the court system do the inconceivable — that is, rule that part of the constitution itself is unconstitutional!
Apparently some of those who opposed Proposition 8 are ready to ignore the wisdom of the majority, as well as the foundation of Western civilization in general, and try to use the courts to ram their demented version of marriage on the rest of us.
It was judicial strong-arming that made Proposition 8 necessary in the first place. Now, it̢۪s going to be interesting to see just how brazen and shameless the courts will be in supporting this effort to override the will of the people. Whatever happened to government of the people, by the people, and for the people?
Every year, we celebrate the Revolution in which our predecessors risked possessions, life, and limb in order to free themselves from a tyrannical foreign monarch who was accountable to no one. Do we have the character to preserve our democratic republic from domestic tyrants who arrogantly display their lack of accountability to, and contempt for, the people?
Shall we remain silent while the power of our votes becomes completely nullified?
Not me!
Brad Taylor
Fresno State Alumnus