Out of all the CSU campuses, Fresno State had one of the largest gains in enrollment for 2006, according to the latest data figures.
According to statistics compiled by Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning, the total enrollment for students in the fall semester has been increasing steadily the past three years.
In 2006, enrollment jumped to 22,098, up 1,727 from the year before.
“Our enrollment has been increasing because our enrollment targets have been increasing,� Christina Leimer, Director of IRAP, said. “It is the only way we get additional funding.�
Enrollment is broken down into several different areas, including those based on gender, ethnicity and age.
For gender, the latest statistics show that females are far more represented than males. Females were at a staggering 59.2 percent compared to just 40.8 percent of males.
In the last few years, females have consistently led males in enrollment figures. In 2005, there were 3,933 more females than males. In 2006, there were 4,052 more females than males.
Another important facet in enrollment is the ethnicity breakdown. According to the data, white students have consistently been the most enrolled each year. In fact, whites exceeded any other race.
Enrollment for white students jumped in 2006. Even though the figures are increasing, they are actually declining percentage-wise.
In 2005, whites were at 44.4 percent, but that number dropped minimally in 2006 to 43.8 percent.
Asians and Hispanics have always trailed behind whites in enrollment figures, but have consistently been represented in high numbers nonetheless.
Asian enrollment jumped by almost 300 students in 2005, which makes them representative of 12 percent of the total student population at Fresno State.
Franklin Ng, professor and coordinator of Asian American studies at Fresno State, said Asians are drawn to the CSU system because of several factors.
“The United States has a good education system,� Ng said. “Competition in Asian countries is horrendous. The U.S. has extensive school systems, such as junior colleges, state colleges and universities. For Asians to get into a school here is easy compared to their own countries. Also, a lot of Asians see coming here as a better economic opportunity and a better future for their families.�
Hispanics are also largely represented both in Fresno State and Fresno County in general.
Between 2005 and 2006, Hispanic students increased by more than 500. Percentage wise, the number of Hispanics stayed at about 29.2 percent.
“Enrollment for Hispanics has been stagnant,� Victor Torres, associate professor of Chicano and Latino Studies, said. “It has not grown much over the last five years.�
Being close to home and having such a huge Hispanic population in Fresno are all reasons why Hispanics have remained steady in enrollment at Fresno State, Torres said.
“You have to look at the surrounding community,� Torres said. “Location is an important variable. There is a large Latino population here. Price is a big factor as well.�
Torres said reasons for this include budget cuts and the economy. “Tuition has gone up 76 percent since 2002 and will go up about 10 percent each year. It is a difficult situation economically for students.�
African-American, American Indian and international students have remained steady in figures and percentages over the years.
Africans-Americans represented about 6 percent of the total population in both 2005 and 2006.
American Indians comprise of 1 percent of the total enrollment and scarcely increased in numbers, from 176 in 2005 to 192 in 2006.